37- Cold Water

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I got up at 6 AM that day even though I swore I'd sleep till the afternoon the night before, after the exam. We were given a one-day holiday. I tossed and turned, not being able to fall back asleep. After a few minutes of not-being-able to sleep, I got off my bed and opened the curtains, letting the sunshine soak my bedroom. I combed my hair and put them in a bun. Since I had nothing to do, I decided to go to the local park for a jog. I put on a grey tracksuit and left home, a water bottle in my hand.

Music blared in my headphones as I jogged to the park. The pleasant breeze rustled the leaves, making them fall to the ground one by one. The smell of freshly watered grass entered my senses, making the jog calming. I jogged around the park, passing the green-tinted pond with fish and the little playground.

I was on my fifth round when I suddenly became aware of someone jogging behind me. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt like I was being watched. I took a sharp turn to the left when I heard the person behind me turn around too. Nah, coincidence. I slightly changed my jogging route, and sure enough, the person came behind me. I stopped in my tracks and teleported behind whoever was following me. They were wearing a hoodie, so I couldn't tell who it was. I yanked off the hoodie and saw the familiar ash-blonde hair.

Bakugo turned around and greeted me with a sadistic smirk.

"You're a sloppy stalker." I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't stalking you. I was jogging after you." Bakugo said, crossing his arms. "Why are you up so early? I thought you told me you wanted to sleep till the afternoon."

"The alarm clock in my brain went off," I replied, jogging by Bakugo's side.

"Gimme an air pod." Bakugo said.

I removed one from my ear and gave it to Bakugo. We jogged for thirty more minutes in silence. The sun was rising higher, the heat increasing. I removed my jacket and tied it around my waist, adjusting my tank top.

"It's getting kinda hot," I said, sitting on a bench nearby to catch my breath.

"Sure is," Bakugo said. I looked up at Bakugo, smirking down at my tank top. I got up and slapped his arm.

"I knew you're a closet perv."

"Shut up, I'm not!"

"Did you have breakfast?" Bakugo asked after a while.


"The old hag is making omurice. Come over."

"Oooh," I said, my mouth watering. "Sure."


Bakugo banged the door with a closed fist. When no answer came, he started kicking the door.

"Jeez, calm down, firecracker." I chuckled.

"That damn old hag takes forever to open up!"

Mitsuki opened the door, her nostrils fuming. She grabbed Bakugo bu the collar and started yelling. "Why can't you knock on the damn door nicely?! Do I have to teach you?!"

For me, it was quite normal to have to wait at the doorstep and watch the mother and son yell at each other. After the two were done with their argument, Mitsuki looked at me and lit up.

"Akira, sweetie!" She hugged me tight, squeezing the air out of me.

"Mitsuki, honey, let her breath," Masaru said, putting a hand on Mitsuki's shoulder.

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