68- Scare

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Aizawa, class 1-A's sleep-deprived teacher, finally decided to put his sleeping bag down and get cosy inside it at around 3 AM. He was still in his office, but sleep was sleep. He sighed and shut his eyes, waiting for sleep to take over.

He was drifting between sleep and consciousness when his phone started ringing. Aizawa got out of the sleeping bag, irritated. He was ready to yell at the caller. If it was Denki doing prank calls again, he'd shut him in the basement for a week straight. Aizawa took the phone from his desk. He didnt recognise the caller ID.

"Eraserhead speaking," Aizawa said gruffly.

"This is the Musutafu police department." A male's voice sounded from the other side. Aizawa's grip on the phone increased. Why'd the police call him at three, no almost four in the morning?

"What happened?" Aizawa asked, his voice calm.

"One of your students, Hero name Glitchy has caught the Mutilator. She's being rushed to the hospital right now due to severe injuries. Endeavor has already been notified of the arrest and Glitchy's condition."

Aizawa's eyes widened. He swore he saw her cleaning the dorms with Uraraka and Jirou earlier. She went straight to bed after that... so how did she get the Mutilator. And hospital?

Oh, God, No.

"I'll be at the hospital in a few minutes," Aizawa said, gathering his keys. "We can discuss the rest after I see her."

"Noted." He heard the receiver beep, marking the end of the call.

Aizawa rushed outside the teacher's alliance and to the garage. He started the engine, not waiting for it to cool. His student was in critical condition, and he had to hurry.

At the reception, he hurriedly asked for Akira's whereabouts. She was in the operating room on the first floor. He took the lift to the first floor and rushed to the end of the corridor, where the operating room was located. Outside stood Endeavor, and her father, in blue scrubs and a white coat.

"Mister Aizawa." He acknowledged, his forehead creased from worry.

"How is she?" Aizawa inquired, glazing at the operating room. The sign above blinked red.

"I'm not a surgeon... I can't be inside. But her condition is fragile." The man looked like he was on the verge of tears. "She got stabbed twice in the same place on her stomach. She's lost quite a bit of blood too."

"Oh..." Aizawa was dumbfounded. He had to ask someone for more details on how she ended up like that.

"My ex-wife's here too. But she's fine. Just lost a bit of blood with some wounds. She's paralyzed from his quirk."

"Your ex-wife?" Aizawa raised his eyebrow. That meant the two were together when Akira fought Mutilator.

"Yes." Dr. Sano replied. "I'm assuming the two were in the same place... but the police haven't told us anything yet."

Aizawa glanced at Endeavor for a second before looking at the doctor. Aizawa put a hand on the blue-eyed man's shoulder. "She'll be fine. I'm sure of it. Let's hope for the best."

"Thank you..."

Aizawa clenched his fist. His students were precious to him. Hearing about Akira's condition made anger boil in him. He walked to Endeavor, who was seated on one of the chairs.

"Do you know anything about this?" Aizawa muttered, looking at Sano, who was currently talking to a nurse who seemed to insist that he take a seat.

"I dont know," Endeavor replied. "I just got notified by the police and came here. They are still investigating the scene, I think."

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