69- A Promise

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My eyes slowly opened, getting used to the light above with some difficulty. The smell of hospital chemicals was overpowering. A cannula was inserted in my arm, connected to a long tube with clear fluid.

My back is stiff... How long have I been here? It's so cold... where the fuck is the blanket?

"I'm telling you, guys." I heard Mina from the floor to my left side. I turned my head and saw the Bakusquad and Midoriya sitting on the blue blanket that was supposed to be on me.

"If we put on a compilation of Erens abs she'll wake up!" Mina continued. Their backs were turned to me. Midroiya's sweat dropped at Mina's statement.

"She's supposed to sleeping with that fucking blanket, Pinky!" Bakugo yelled at Mina, sitting away from the blanket on the white tile.

"She's asleep," Kaminari said, sipping juice out of a carton. "Besides, she might be feeling hot. Who knows."

"Mina, I dont want to watch a three-hour compilation of Erens fucking abs." Sero groaned. Mina had a laptop in front of her, where she opened a video of Erens abs.

"Trust me." She said, drooling over the half-naked Eren. "His drip will wake her up."

"Erm-" Midoriya awkwardly scratched his cheek.

"Get the fuck off her blanket!" Bakugo yelled again.

"I can't see the screen," I mumbled. "Move aside, will you, Ei."

Kirishima looked back at me and grinned. "Sure." He moved away from the screen, and then all of them froze. Kirishima turned his head back again and gasped.

"AKI!" He jumped up and hugged my lying figure. "You're alive!"

"AKIRA IS AWAKE!" The bakusquad exclaimed.

"AKI-CHAN WAHHHHH, DONT EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Midoriya started crying, taking my hand.

"Fuck off, idiots!" Bakugo pushed Midoriya aside and took my hand.

"Kacchan, she's my best friend too, y'know?!" Midoriya exclaimed.

"Shut." Bakugo squeezed my hand, looking at me.

"Hey, guys." I smiled at everyone.

"I told you guys Eren's drip would wake her up!" Mina exclaimed. "The power he holds!"

"I was awake before that." I laughed weakly. Mina sighed happily and hugged me.

"Girl, I thought I'd lose you." Her voice quivered. With the other hand, I patted the pinkette's hair reassuringly.

"I'm sorry to make you guys worry," I said, looking at all of them.

"You dont have to apologize, Aki-chan." Midoriya smiled.

"She's awake. We should get the doctor," Kirishima said, opening the door.

"Let's get Dr Sano," Sero said, getting up and grabbing Kirishima by the collar.

"Why am I being dragged?!" Kaminari yelled.

"Midoriya, do you want to come?" Mina said, also getting up. From what it looked like, they were giving some privacy to Bakugo with me.

"Er- Yes." He followed Mina out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Hi, baby." I smiled softly at the ash blonde. Without a response, he kneeled down and buried his head under my chin.

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