63- Sleeping Angel

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Please dont be a ghost reader 😔



Summer slowly transitioned to autumn. Everyone started wearing thin sweaters and scarves to oppose the chilly wind. Trees were stripped of their nature's clothes, standing bare. Leaves changed colours from green to red, orange and brown.

So far, there were no incidents with the mutilator again. We could only assume two things: Either that he's hiding from the heroes and police or that he has changed his intentions. Whatever the case, the police were still looking for him.

It was still afternoon as I walked into a clothing store, alone since I just got off work. I wanted to buy a few scarves and warm clothes. I was happy when I felt the heat creep into my skin once I entered the store. The summer collection had been removed and replaced by the winter collection.

I ran my hand along with scarves rack. There was a wide variety of colours available. I picked a beige scarf for myself. I paused on a black scarf with two stripes of orange on one end. I smiled as it reminded me of Katsuki and how much he had been complaining about the cold. He absolutely hated winters since it took longer for him to sweat. Maybe a few warm goodies for him would be nice.

I dumped the scarves into a trolley and headed over to the men's section with it. There was a wide variety of jackets available. I got lost in deciding what colour to pick. At last, my eyes fell on a grey jacket with a black checkered print. I grinned at it and selected a black pair of jeans and a grey shirt to match it. I bought the fit and walked out of the store, deciding to visit Dad before I headed home.

It felt like a good day to take a walk, and Dad's place wasn't too far from here. A shiver ran down my spine, and I stopped. Is it the cold...? Or am I being watched. I looked back, but it was just there wasn't anyone behind me. It was the usual people passing by. However, my eyes did land on a man wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants, texting. I shrugged and kept walking, pushing the thought to the back of my mind.

I knocked on the door, waiting for a response. I knocked again, but there was no answer. I facepalmed when I remembered that he'd still be at work. I huffed and went back outside into the cold air.

The sky started to get darker. I exhaled and watched as the tendrils of my breath became one with the air. Suddenly, I caught someone leaning on a street light, dressed in all black. It was the same person as before. My breath ragged, and cold sweat pooled in my palms. So I am being followed.

Maybe I shouldn't be walking by myself right now. Should ask them what they want? No, Akira, that's just stupid. I should just teleport home. That way they won't be able to follow me. Yeah, that's good. Besides, I might be delusional right now.

I teleported outside the heights alliance. I took a deep breath before entering, calming down my nerves and pushing away my speculations. I walked into the common room where Kaminari was dressed as a dinosaur, twerking as Mina cackled and recorded him. Kirishima and Sero lay on the floor, laughing like mad men. In the corner, Todoroki was also dressed as a dinosaur, watching the entire thing with bored eyes.

"What's going on?" I giggled, watching Kaminari twerk.

"Ah, Aki, you're back." Mina laughed, wiping her eyes. "Kaminari just bought dinosaur costumes."

"Do you want to try one?" Kaminari asked. "I have an extra."

"Thank you. But I'm really tired." I smiled apologetically. My shoulders and back were hurting. Earlier, I had slipped on the wet floor at the agency.

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