12- I Hate You

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"That concludes today's class. We will be looking more into atrioventricular valves in the next class!" Midnight finished writing the last bit of notes on the board. "Class dismissed!"

"Ahh. I love biology!" I stretched in my chair.

"Me too." Mineta drooled as I stretched my arms behind me. Bakugo got mad at the grape head and sent a little explosion his way, which made me giggle. Bakugo got up to make his way towards the cafeteria, with me hopping behind him, when we saw a crowd of students outside our class.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously.

"What business do you have with class 1-A?" Iida asked, forming a 90° angle with his arm.

"Scouting for the enemy, small fry." Bakugo walked towards the door. "We're the ones who made it out of the villain's attack. They probably want to check out before the sports festival." He faced one of the students. "There's no point in doing that."

I took his arm to stop him from saying anything stupid. "Don't," I whispered. He got his arm out of my grip and did exactly what I did not want him to.

"Out of my way, shitty extras." He hissed.

A purple head came to the front to reply to Katsuki's mean comment.

"I came to see what the famous class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant." His scruffy appearance and under eyes reminded me of Aizawa-sensei. "Are all students in the hero course like this?"

The class gasped at his statement.

"Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned."

"Excuse me?" I said, stepping forward with a hand on my hip. "Are you here to trash talk our class?"

"Looks like the angry blonde's girlfriend doesn't approve." The purple head smirked.

"Oh, so you want to fight?" I said, this time bringing my face close to his. "Well, I don't like fighting, but you're here looking for one. So, how about in the P.E. ground? I feel like kicking some ass anyways."

"Aki-chan!" Midoriya exclaimed, asking me to stop.

He raised his hands in defence, one side of his mouth still lifted in a smirk.

"Students who couldn't make it in the hero course go into general studies. The school has left us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they might also transfer people out." He put his hands down and eyed the entire class.

"Scouting the enemy? I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet from under you. I came with a declaration of war.

"Oi, oi, oi. I'm from class B next door." A guy with white hair and enormous white lashes said. "I heard you fought against villains, so I came to hear about it! Don't get so full of yourself!"

"Fuck this shit," I mumbled and grabbed Katuski's wrist, making my way to the roof.

"Don't ignore me!" The white head yelled.

"Bakugo, Sano, What are you going to do about this?!" Kirishima yelled from the class. "You both made everyone hate us!"

"It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top," Bakugo replied calmly. (As calmly as Dumbldore in the movie.)

Bakugo and I had lunch on the roof since we had already stirred up some drama. It was quite hot, but the cool breeze every now and then made it tolerable. Plus, it made Bakugo sweat, which meant I got to smell caramel every now and then.

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