7- Refusing It

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The next day, I woke up to the sound of rain. I was going to reach for the window when I felt someone wrapped around me. Oh, I fell asleep with Bakugo. I turned my face towards him, forgetting the rain. His features were so soft and angelic. I couldn't resist running my thumb on his cheeks, but I did not want him to wake up.

I tried getting out of his grip, but he just pulled me in closer to his chest. I lay there for a few more minutes, unconsciously running my hand through his hair. Despite looking spikey they were surprisingly soft. This was the first time someone was cuddling me, and to me, it was an experience. Plus, it was Bakugo. I once again went to sleep in his warmth.

When I woke up again, it was already 11AM. I was starving, but Bakugo's grip on my back was firm, and he wouldn't let go. I teleported off the bed and placed a cushion where I was sleeping. I went downstairs into the kitchen to make breakfast for both of us. I cracked two eggs into the frying pan and toasted some bread. After I was done, I carried the tray upstairs.

As I was walking towards my room, I heard quick whispers coming from my parent's bedroom. I was going to disregard it when I heard my name. So I stood there listening.

"Sano, we can't hide it from her any longer." I heard my mom talk to my dad in a hushed voice.

"But, it will affect her schooling."

"I'm fucking tired of living with you for the past 15 years."

"Not like I'm relishing the idea of living with you either. But for God's sake, please think about your daughter."

"I care about her, and that's why we have to tell her now. It's been a month since we divorced, and I can't take the sight of your face anymore. Let's just make her pick a side."

Hearing this conversation made the glass tray in my hand fall and shatter. The coffee from the mugs was burning my feet, but I did not care. My dad opened the door to see what the noise was all about and froze when he saw me. I fell on my knees onto the broken glass pieces and hot coffee.

"Honey, your knees!" My mom yelled behind my dad.


I saw this coming, and yet... yet I found my eyes streaming with burning tears. On top of that, I had landed on the broken glass. My knees and palms were bleeding, but this was nothing compared to the heaviness in my chest.

"Akira... we had to talk about this to you."

"It's not all over! You can stay with me and visit your mom from time to time."

"No, she is going to stay with me. Isn't that right, Aki?"

"Let her decide."

They went quiet for a moment, waiting for an answer from me. Do they want me to pick a side? No way in hell.


Hearing all this commotion Bakugo rushed out of the room and froze in the hallway.

A sound came out of me, a screaming sob that could not have been born inside my chest. I felt like a mad woman.

"Akira..." My dad reached out for me, and I slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me ." I hissed.

"Akira, let's talk about this calmly. Plus, your knees are bleeding badly." My mom said, stepping closer.

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