✦ Extra- A Million Times ✦

699 14 4

Akira and Bakugo: 20 years old



I studied the diamond ring between my index and thumb, light reflecting off the cuts. It wasn't a big fancy ring like I'd like to have bought. But we were working on opening an agency as I worked for Endeavor and Akira worked for Hawks, so we were a little tight on finances. This was all I could afford right now.

"Hi, Kacchan." Deku suddenly entered the sidekick's lounge, taking off his dirty gauntlets, his hair disheveled.

"What do you want?" I quickly put the ring back in my pocket. Izuku noticed the action and grinned.

"Are you still worried she won't like it?" He asked, sitting beside me.

"I 'aint worried!" I yelled.


"Dont give me that attitude!"

"But, really, Kacchan. Aki-chan would marry you even if you put a paper ring on her finger. I doubt she'd even care about the ring in the first place. All she cares about is you."

I huffed, putting a hand behind my neck. I wanted to spoil Akira with everything she landed her eyes on. Maybe I was putting too much thought into the ring. Because I wanted us to get married as little as two months after getting engaged, maybe there was no point in investing too much in it. I looked down at my hand, faintly smiling at the promise ring we still wore.

There was a question bothering me. Was I moving too fast? Akira's birthday was due in two days. Would she say yes? Would I be pressuring her by moving too fast?

"Do you... do think she'll say yes." I scratched my cheek, looking away from Deku.

"Huh? It's Aki-chan we're talking about! She loves you, Kacchan. Of course, she will!" Deku exclaimed.

"Whatever..." I muttered. "I'm heading out for patrol." I picked up my gauntlets from the table and slid them on, putting on my kneecaps after that.

On her birthday. I'd do it on her birthday.



I reached over for his side of the bed to snuggle into him, frowning in my sleep when my hand didn't feel him on the bed. I opened an eye to see sunlight worming in through the window, his side empty but warm.

I heard the sound of frying from the kitchen along with the smell of food. Katsuki was making breakfast for us. I sat up and yawned, stretching my arms behind me. I smiled when I remembered it was my birthday today.

Finally twenty.

I put my feet on the floor, shuddering when I felt the cold creep up my skin. Katsuki stole my slippers again. I rolled my eyes and looked under the bed. I found his slippers and slid them on, padding into the living room.

Katsuki and I moved into an apartment together after we graduated from U.A. I stared at the photo frame of the two of us on the coffee table. It was from the day we graduated, holding our certificates up, grinning at the camera, Katsuki's arm thrown over my shoulders.

I still remember that day crystal clear. Class A got drunk, even though we were only 18-19. We even got Iida to join us. I remember Katsuki getting super drunk and hugging Deku and Kirishima, rambling about how they were his best bros and then coming to me, burying his head in my chest and bawling his eyes out because he thought I broke up with him. I had to spend the rest of the party with a sobbing pomeranian, assuring him I did not break up with him. (Sidenote: he'll kill me if I remind him of this.)

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