2- Headache

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A week later, we were done with our final term exams. It had been exhausting, and I was glad they were over. Our teachers handed us forms to fill in the details of which high school we would be attending. I mean, most of the class would be applying for the hero course. I quickly filled in my form and caught up with some friends to say goodbye.

After we were done rejoicing the end of exams, it was time to head home. As I was stepping out of the school building, I caught Midoriya looking at some book floating in a little pool with fish.

"Zuku?" I called as I walked over.

"That's not fish food, stupid." I heard him mutter.

"Izuku," I called out once more. "Is everything alright?"

"Aki-chan," He finally looked at me and took the book out of the little pool. "Did not see you there"

I looked at the notebook he was gripping. 'Hero analysis for the future.' Most of our quirks come around the early age of four or five, but Midoriya's quirk never showed up. I was always fascinated by his will to keep dreaming. The notebook's cover had burnt a little and I recognized whose work it might have been. Katsuki, c'mon you're too mean to him, I thought.

"Ooo, it's your hero notebook," I smiled. "Can I see?"

"Sure!" And he handed me the wet notebook.

I turned a few pages over and saw a sketch of a hero costume.

"Hey! I like this costume!" I exclaimed. Midoriya's eyes instantly lit up.

"Thanks, Aki-chan!"

"Oh hey, there's mine and Katsuki's name here," I said, reading about the details of both our quirks written. There were a handful of names from our classroom, too.

"Yeah," He replied, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "I wrote about every hero I could."

"But I'm not a hero yet." I giggled

"But your quirk is great!" Midoriya exclaimed. "You will make a great hero, Akira-chan!"

I smiled and gave the notebook back to him.

"Hey, Midoriya," I said, looking at him. "Don't give up, okay? I want us to be in the same classroom again! At the same school. You, me and, Katsuki."

"Yeah," Midoriya said, putting on a small smile.


The next day, on a lazy afternoon, I learnt that Bakugo was caught by a slimy villain. I got worried when I saw the sludge villain holding him hostage, abusing Bakugo's powers. I could see the fear in his eyes even though he tried to remain strong throughout the whole situation. I sighed in relief when All Might finally came in to save Bakugo.

I took out my phone, wondering if he was back from the police station yet since it had been a while since I saw him on the news. I decided to keep worry out of my tone even though I was going to explode with it. Bakugo was not going to appreciate me being worried and bombarding him with questions.

                                                                            Me: Damn, look who made it on the news channels!

After a few minutes, Bakugo replied.

Katsuki 🧨: stfu

Me: Meanie

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