1- Alarm

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I heard something ring somewhere. It hurt my head to listen to it. I opened my eyes, furrowing my eyebrows. It was the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I buried my head under the pillow, somewhat drowning out the annoying tune. I just wanted it to shut up and let me sleep.

"AKIRA, WAKE UP. YOUR ALARM HAS BEEN RINGING FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES!" I heard my dad yell. Oh, he's home today, I thought to myself. I hadn't seen him for a week. I fumbled with the alarm clock and turned it off.

I searched for my furry slippers under the bed and put them on before going downstairs, the smell of fried eggs hitting my nose. I found Dad sitting on the couch, watching a news channel on the TV with the volume on mute.

"Hey there, Aki. Come have a seat," My dad patted the space beside him.

I smiled and went to sit with him. He had been smoking. I hated that smell, but I was glad he was back. It was not often that I got to see him since he was a doctor. He worked late nights at the emergency wards, and when he wasn't working, he wasn't at home, given he wasn't on good terms with Mom. We sat there in silence since there wasn't much to talk about.

"How's school, honey?" My dad asked, tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Not bad. We're having finals coming up, so I'm just busy preparing." I replied. He hummed, and the awkward silence was back until we heard Mom call us for breakfast.

Eggs and bread... not bad.

"Which high school do you want to attend after exams, dear?" My dad asked, munching on the eggs. "You're interested in the hero course, so I guess you're going to pick a hero school."

"UA, of course!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, right." He winked at me.

After breakfast, I went back upstairs to change into my uniform. I'll be wearing this only for a while more, I thought to myself. After getting ready, I left home, keeping an eye out for Bakugo and Midoriya.

"Oi shit head!" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Katsuki!" I exclaimed, turning around. I hopped up to him, pulling him in a hug.

"Bitch, how can you be so energetic in the morning," He yelled, "Stop pretending like we haven't met in ages."

I pouted and marched ahead of him. He was in a mood again (I mean, he always is). I walked to school with Bakugo tailing behind me. It's always been like this since pre-school, except Bakugo used to be leading us with his little gang.

Once at school, I caught up with some friends on my way to class, mentally preparing myself for the exam. Math, ugh, I hope this goes well. One of the girls was in the middle of explaining her friend an equation when Midoriya caught my attention.

"Hey, Aki-chan! Good luck with the math exam." He smiled.

"Thanks, Zuku! Good luck to you, too." I grinned, showing him a thumbs up.

The exam wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. It went by smoothly and we were done with it in no time. After the invigilator allowed us to get up from our seats, I immediately went up to Bakugo and Midoriya, "Izuku, Katsuki!"

"Akira-chan!" Midoriya exclaimed. "How was your exam?"

"Not bad," I replied. "Just got stuck on the graphs, but I guess I'll manage."

"Go away, shorty." Bakugo hissed. That was yet another nickname Bakugo had given me. He's good at coming up with nicknames- I'll give him that.

"Hmm?" I smirked, tipping back my hair and inviting myself to his desk. "Looks like boom boom boy's exam did not go so well."

I could swear his cheeks turned pink. He let out a 'tsk', pushing me off the desk. "You're goin' to come cryin' to me when I get a higher score than you."

"We'll see," I smirked.


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