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Thats Akira's new hero costume y'all.


I was sitting in my room with Bakugo, playing Minecraft on a big screen, smashing the controller in my hand. Bakugo sat on the floor, and I sat on the bed, thighs resting on Bakugo's shoulders.

"Katsuki, can you stop feeding the cats and help me find diamond?!"

"Is it my fucking fault they keep following me?!" Bakugo yelled.

"Well, stop feeding-" I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I got off the bed and opened the door a little. Aizawa sensei stood outside with a briefcase in his hand.

"Oh, hello, Sensei." I greeted, widening the door. Aizawa sensei's gaze dropped to Bakugo yelling at the screen.

"Your hero costume is ready," Sensei said, handing me the silver briefcase. My eyes widened, and I took the briefcase from him, excited to try it on.

"Thank you, sensei!" I smiled. He nodded back.

"How're the ultimate moves coming along? Able to teleport objects from a distance now?"

"I've never done such a thing before, and my accuracy is sloppy, but I'm getting there," I said.

"Okay, good." He turned around towards the elevator. "Keep it up."

"What's in the case?" Bakugo asked, removing his yellow headset.

"It's my hero costume!" I squealed. I threw the briefcase on the bed and took off my shirt.

"Wh- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Bakugo yelled, face flushing immediately.

"Calm down," I replied. "I'm wearing a tank top underneath."

I put on the hero costume. This one had a lot of straps and buckles. It took some time to put on. I put on the boots, admiring Hatsume's fine work. The soles were iron with rubber grips to prevent me from falling. After putting the costume on, I took the daggers from the briefcase. Bakugo took one from me and unsheathed it.

"Holy shit." He breathed. "It's sharp. Do you even know how to use it?"

"I'll practice," I replied. There were three blades. Two were long, and one of small length. I hung them on my utility belt. I put the smoke marbles in my pockets and stood in front of the mirror.

"Holy shit! Holy shit!" I exclaimed.

"This hero costume is so much better than your old one." Bakugo grinned, standing behind me. "It's so fuckin' badass."

"Isn't it?!" I took Bakugo's hand and marched outside, dragging him to the gym downstairs. "I have to try my ultimate moves now!"


Some of Akira's special moves:

Teleportation barrage: Confusing opponents by teleporting around them and landing sneaky hits.

Warp spin: Teleporting behind the opponent and striking with a roundhouse kick.

Phantom drop: Teleporting above the enemy and dropping an axe kick.

Smoke Cloud: Use a smokescreen to confuse enemies and attack them.

Gravity drop: Teleport enemies into the air and let gravity do its job.

Dimensional slash: Teleport a sharp object through the enemy and wound them.

Matter fusion: Teleport two solid objects into each other and fuse them, causing them to blast.


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