19- Their Moment

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I woke up to Bakugo's calls which I thought were my irksome alarm bells.

"Oi, I'm waitin' down." I heard Bakugo on the phone.

"Mmh?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Wait... Are you still fuckin' asleep?" He yelled.

"OH SHIT, IT'S A SCHOOL DAY!" I screamed, jumping up from the couch. "IM COMING DOWN IN A FEW MINUTES."

After coming back from my mom's place, I immediately hit the sack. My nightmares decided to show up at around 1 AM. I tried to go back to sleep on the couch, but my eyes and mind wouldn't cooperate.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth as fast as I could. I quickly put on my uniform, forgetting my tie and socks. I grabbed my bag and teleported to Bakugo.


"So are you. You could've gone without me!" I took his hand and teleported us outside class.

Oh shit, the class has already begun. I thought, peeking through the door.

"You're late." Aizawa sensei looked at us with a deadly glare. "On top of that, you arrive in an untidy condition to school." Aizawa sensei pointed at my uniform.

I forgot my tie and socks, two buttons left undone, and my hair in a sloppy ponytail.

"Sorry, Sensei," I muttered, walking to my seat.

"Okay, where was I?" Sensei continued. "The hero cod-"

Bakugo threw a crumpled piece of paper on my desk. I looked at him, confused.

"Open it." He mouthed.

Before I could open the note, Aizawa sensei snatched the crumpled paper from my table.

"First, you two show up late. And then you pass notes during class." Aizawa scolded. "Detention! Both of you!"

I glared at Bakugo angrily for putting me into detention while Bakugo was busy scowling at Aizawa Sensei.

"Oooh, Bakugo passing notes?~" Mina chimed. "Aizawa Sensei, did he finally confess to Akira?"

"The confession!" Ochaco joined in.

Aizawa sensei glowered at the two girls, his eyes glowing red and his hair standing up.

"Sorry," Ochaco muttered.

"As I was saying. Before we got interrupted so rudely," Aizawa Sensei made sure to look at Bakugo and me. "Today, you guys are going to come up with hero names."

"Something exciting!" The class yelled in unison. As usual, Aizawa sensei silenced us with a glare.

"This is related to the pro hero drafts I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years. In other words, for them to extend offers to first-years like you. These offers often cut down if that interest dies down by graduation."

Aizawa sensei pressed a button on the remote, and our offers showed up on the board.

Todoroki: 4123

Sano: 3701

Bakugo: 3556

And so on...

"3701!" I gasped. "Katsu, I got more than you!"

"Shut the fuck up!" He said through gritted teeth.

I turned around to face Midoriya, who did not get any offers.

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