60- Fade

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"4 of the murders have been committed in Chiba," Endeavor said, looking at the papers on his desk. "1 here in Musutafu and another one in Tokyo."

"This mutilator guy likes travelling, huh?" I shielded my face from the sun coming in through the windows.

"Seems so." One of the sidekicks said.

"And that is exactly why we're splitting into teams." Endeavor glanced at us with thoughtful turquoise eyes. I was put in a team with Burnin' and two other sidekicks.

"Watch your step." Endeavor warned. "Your first duty is to save any lives in danger, then chase down Mutilator. And don't let his venom touch you, or you know what happens.."

"Yes, sir!" All the sidekicks yelled in unison.


Endeavor and his team left for Chiba while the other left for Tokyo. I patrolled with Burnin' around the business areas. Afternoon fell into the evening, and darkness took over. People came out of their offices since it was closing time, and that's when we were on high alert. If the Mutilator had to find his victim, it had to be during the opening and closing times. One of the sidekicks had a quirk that let her float with the help of fire beneath her feet. She patrolled the skies while we remained on the ground.

I checked the alleyways and lonely areas every now and then, keeping an eye out for a man with curly hair and green eyes. So far, the night seemed to be peaceful, and we entered midnight without any news of the Mutilator from Endeavor or anyone else.

"Hey, Burnin', do you think the Mutilator will show up." A sidekick with bandages wrapped around him, Kido, asked.

"Dunno," Burnin' replied.

"Maybe he's scared of the heroes on high alert!" JetFlame exclaimed.

"We still need to be careful, JetFlame," Burnin' said with a serious expression, her green hair glowing in the dark. "We dont know when the murders were committed."

"That's true!" Kido agreed.

We bought coffee from a cafe nearby and drank it as we patrolled. I looked up at the sky. It was a starry night. It reminded me of the summer camp when Katsuki was going to ask me if we could go on a date after the camp. I returned my attention to the ground ahead and took a big gulp of my coffee. I checked the time on my phone. It was 2 AM. I had a few messages from my friends and Katsuki, which I couldn't reply to.

"I'm starting to get sleepy!" JetFlame grumbled. The streets were empty now. Only cars passed by.

"Ya just had coffee." Burnin' sighed.

"Coffee makes me sleepy." JetFlame had red hair and red eyes. Her costume was red too. Everything about her was red. Even her eyelashes. While Kido and Burnin' encouraged JetFlame, I heard something. A small muffled sob. I froze, and the paper cup in my hand fell as I stood, listening for more.

"Eh? Glitchy? What happened?" Burnin' asked.

"Did any of you sob...?" I asked, looking at JetFlame specifically.

"Hey now! I might be complaining of being sleepy, but I'm not a crybaby!" I heard the sob again.

"Shh!" I exclaimed. "Listen close."

This time the sob was louder and full of pain. Burnin's eyes widened. She bought a finger to her lip, asking us to be silent. Kido formed a large circle with his bandage, and Burnin passed through it, flying and landing on a two-floor building. I teleported Kido and me to Burnin', and JetFlame soon joined us. We jumped from building to building, carefully looking at every alleyway.

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