25. Maya

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The gentle light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Maya stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she gradually became aware of her surroundings. As she turned, she saw Aaryan sleeping peacefully beside her, his features relaxed in slumber.

For a little while, she simply stared at him, her heart missing a beat as memories of the previous night returned. In her mind, his confession, their talk, and his vulnerability played like a reel. She realised she couldn't deny her emotions any longer.

Maya snuck out of bed and made her way to the balcony, taking care not to disturb him. She leaned against the railing, the cold morning breeze brushing against her skin as she took long breaths to calm herself.

When the sun had fully risen, casting a warm glow over the surroundings, Maya turned to reenter the room. Aaryan was stirring awake, his eyes blinking as he adjusted to the light. He looked around, and when his gaze met hers, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Good morning," he whispered, his voice husky from sleep.

Maya smiled back, her heart fluttering. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

Aaryan stretched and sat up, his gaze never leaving her. "Actually, I did. I don't remember the last time I slept this peacefully."

Maya approached the bed and sat down beside him. "I'm glad to hear that."

Aaryan yawned and then looked at her with a mix of seriousness and playfulness. "So, have you had a chance to think about what I said?"

Maya's gaze dropped to her hands, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on the bedspread. "I have. Aaryan, I can't deny that my feelings for you are strong. But we have a lot to consider, especially with my family and our different worlds."

Aaryan reached out and gently tilted her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. "Maya, I understand that this won't be easy. But I'm willing to face the challenges and work through whatever comes our way. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and I'm not ready to let it go."

Maya's eyes welled with tears, and her heart was touched by his sincerity. "Aaryan, you're asking for a lot. But I want you to know that I'm willing to explore this and see where our feelings take us. It won't be simple, but I believe in us."

Aaryan's smile was tender as he brushed his thumb against her cheek, wiping away a tear. "Maya, that's all I can ask for right now. We'll take this one step at a time."

As the morning light bathed them in its warmth, Maya felt a sense of hope and possibility she hadn't experienced in a long time. Their journey was just beginning, and the challenges ahead were daunting. But for the first time in her life, she felt like she was making a choice that was truly hers, a choice that had the potential to lead to the kind of love she had always dreamed of.


I stood among the packed bags and the silent stillness of the flat as the night grew darker. Aaryan had gone to work, leaving me with the daunting task of preparing for my journey. My heart was heavy, and there were lingering feelings of bittersweetness in the air.

I went through the motions, folding clothes, double-checking my travel paperwork, and making sure I had everything I needed. My thoughts were overflowing with memories of the last few weeks with Aaryan, each moment etched in my heart. Every inch of the apartment seemed to echo our unsaid pledges of love.

I sighed and messaged Aaryan, informing him that I was leaving and had reserved a cab to the airport. I wanted to avoid the emotional goodbye in order to save both of us from the pain that would undoubtedly follow the departure.

Teach me to love: Contemporary Romance.[UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now