End of an Era

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Enid Sinclair's POV:

"Enid I think we need- we..."

Her body's tense, this doesn't feel right.

"Wednesday?" I hoarsely respond, having a distant foreboding feeling of what her next words may be.

Fear starts to suffocate as my heart accelerates, breathing now heavier. It feels as though a catalyst was added to my bloodstream, causing my heart to pump blood far faster around my body than is required. I beg silently that the words that Wednesday follows with are not the words I dread to hear. Dread to hear far more when our future just seemed so secure. But would that little object made of precious materials make a difference? But maybe I'm panicking for nothing. She could just want to talk. But deep inside I know that is not true.

I brace for the worse...

"I think we need to break up..."

And there it is. This is how Wednesday must have felt when I was mind controlled by Konstance and forced to break up with her. My breathing becomes ragged and frail. The distance in between the walls closes in on my chest as I stumble backwards, unable to process how or why this is happening.

We had a good date... we talked, even though it was kinda gloomy we talked, and we kissed. Everything had seemed so perfect, so certain. I thought we would last forever. I didn't think our time was so finite.

Where did I go wrong?

"What?" I respond shakily, in hopes it isn't true.

"We're breaking up, Enid. I'm sorry, but I have to."

My head jerks back to the drawer behind me, the ring inside it is all I can focus on.

"Are you serious, Wednesday? Why?"

I don't know what I feel. But right now I'm not angry. I dissociate from the world. I foolishly think that by disassociating myself, time will freeze. That way Wednesday can't break up with me. I can still be with her. Nothing can happen.


But something Wednesday says brings me back into the painful reality of the real world.

"I'm not in the right place to be in a relationship. It's not you, you are perfect, but I need to be on my own right now."

"But we just kissed, I don't get it, Wednesday."

"Of course you don't. When we kissed, guess where my mind went? I was right back in that car, Enid. I was back searching for my seatbelt strap so I could roll out of there before they could get me. I was back running through the woods, truly terrified for my life, terrified for potentially breaking my loyalty to you and to who I was trying to become. I realize now that I can't be who you need me to be until I move past this. It weighs me down in every step I take." Her tears are dripping out as she speaks with memories in her eyes. Afraid memories, "It's not you Enid, I love you more than you could imagine, but I can't give any piece of myself to you until I have a piece to give."

I can't think clearly, all I see is red. Like a page from my story book has just been ripped out. I storm over to the drawer, about to pull out the box Tobias gave me.

"Damnit Wednesday, I was going to give you all of me! Not just a piece."


"You don't think I've tried? Breaking up with you never was an option because I refused for it to be one. I've been trying for days to compartmentalize, or just dream about fucking killing them but nothings working, I cant make it stop, and going to that police department re-opened everything."

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