First time (M)

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Warning: 18+ chapter (if u don't like smut ur not gonna like this one, :/ sorry)

Enid Sinclair's POV:

Wednesday and I have been staring at the stars for hours, she has shown me an array of different planets up close with her family's telescope. I've seen Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and she even named some of the moons craters.

She is so intelligent, her beautiful brain is just a sponge for knowledge. All I can manage to do is look up, soaking in the magnificent universe we both live in.

She rubs my shoulders as I tuck my head into her neck, laying in her arms. Nothing beats the calm moments we've shared today.

"Enid, would you like to get in comfortable clothes? I want to go back inside now."

"Yeah, of course."

I grab her hand, running over to her room. I'm beyond excited to see what this night will bring. I close the door behind us, staring at the girl in front of me.

"Enid?" She asks, walking over.

Looking at her in this black suit has been driving me wild all day.

"Yes, Wednesday?"

She walks closer, undressing me with her eyes as the girl gives me a light smile. She presses my body against the door as she locks it's handle. Her cold breath sends a shiver down my spine as she lightly bites my cheek. An arm wraps around my waist, locking me into place.

She seems to have absorbed the smell of midnights and sin, making me want to taste her 1,000 times more. Her intoxicating scent lingers, face hovering centimeters away from mine.

"If you want me to stop tell me now," she whispers before moving her lips closer to my own. I stay silent, staring at the girl in front of me as she continues, "or now," she traces my jawline ever so carefully before whispering again, "or..." I don't let her finish as I quickly close the gap between us.

She kisses me with such grace and admiration, not wanting to scare me off with the wrong movement. I crave more, my hands untuck her black button down, balling my fist into the fabric to pull her closer into me.

Wednesday takes this as a sign to deepen the kiss, letting her inner desires take hold of her body as she adds in her tongue. I reciprocate the motion as well, desperate to taste more of her.

She takes her free hand, lifting my back slightly off of the door as she plays with the zipper on my dress, slightly pulling it down.

"Is this okay, Cara Mia?" She whispers.

Wednesday Addams asking for permission is turning me on even more.

"Go further," I whisper against the girls lips.

She nods as she continues unzipping the thin dress covering my body. Wednesday has a habit of making me yearn for the girl, her eyes pierce through mine as she slides the straps over my shoulders, slowly bending down to remove the dress fully. I lift my feet up, watching her on her knees toss the piece of green fabric over her shoulder.

"You're just so beautiful," she whispers as her hands trail up my legs to my stomach. Every hair on my body is electrified by her touch.

She stands back up, lightly kissing my neck as I feel her suck on a spot, marking me with her affection. I grip her suspenders, stretching them to hear the snapping sound upon release before pulling them off. Now I'm toying with the girls buttons, "can I?" I whisper, she nods as I tug the shirt open.

I throw the button up somewhere around the room, now captivated by the toned stomach in front of me. The girl has on a lacy piece of lingerie covering her chest.

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