Séance or Treat?

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Wednesday Addams POV:

Enid fell asleep in my arms last night right after we finished our shower, I always manage to tire her out. Enid has proposed that instead of wearing our Jack and Sally costumes again, we could just be Princess bubblegum and Marceline... without painting her face pink. It's pretty much our typical style except Enid will be wearing a crown.

She has made me take her pillows out of their cases to collect candy in. I don't even understand why I'm going trick or treating, it's not like I actually eat any of the candy.

"Do I look like a princess?" Enid squeals happily while adjusting her tiara in one hand and clutching two pillowcases in the other.

"Yes. You look like the perfect pillow princess."

Blood rushes to her cheeks while she smirks, "Wednesday I don't think you know what that means..."

"Yes, I do. You are holding a pillow case and have a crown on, hence 'pillow princess'"

"You are super adorable," She says while wrapping both of her arms around my neck, gazing into me, "In today's world, it's a way of saying that a girl wants to only receive pleasure without giving any to her partner. I am defiantly not a pillow princess," she pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

Pop culture is out of hand for making that term, however, it kind of makes sense.

"Oh, I honestly wouldn't mind if you were one."

I like hearing her scream my name, especially when she's on the verge of tears whenever I push her past her breaking point... great, now I'm blushing. Snap back into reality, Wednesday.

"Nooooo, I like giving just as much as receiving. WEDNESDAY STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT, IM NOT YOUR FOOD RIGHT NOW! Okay, back to what I was saying... wait what was I even saying?"

"Asking if you looked like a princess?"

"Oh, right. I think I could definitely be the princess of candy kingdom, don't you think?"  She asks as she grips her pink dress and curtsies.

"I mean you taste sweet..."

"I- um. Moving on, I got you a black bomber jacket. I know Marceline wears a red one in the series for a few episodes but I think this one fits you better. What do you think?"

"It's nice, you didn't spend a lot on this did you?"

"No don't worry. I figured it would be something you could wear again anyways."

"I love it, thank you, Enid."

"Of course! Can I boop your nose? Pleeeease?"

"You get one 'boop'" I say with a hint of aggravation.

My girlfriend walks over, placing her pointer finger on my nose with sparkles in her eyes, "Boop!"

I love this girl but she has been obsessed with 'booping' me for weeks.

"Are you ready to go trick or treating?" I ask, wanting to feel the crisp autumn air already. I'm wearing a white tank top and drape the bomber jacket over, it feels nice. I'm also wearing a pair of black baggy jeans with my usual Docs.

Enid answers, "Yup! Here, take your pillowcase. I'll probably steal your Reese's peanut butter cups and M&M's"

"You can have all of the candy I get tonight. I wonder if anyone will lace the candy with anything this year, I've found that most people don't, and It's disappointing. Sadly people have lost their edge with scare tactics. Oh, by the way, Tomorrow I bought two tickets to a haunted house after school since you have off from work."

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