Chez Enid

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Warning: cute and hopeless gays :))

Wednesday Addams POV:

I walk out of my refreshingly freezing shower feeling numb. I used that time to compartmentalize my feelings, locking them away to the depths where I store Nero's death, and the pain of Enid's prior comatose state. A pain which I'm not likely to forget anytime soon. I've given myself a miniature psychoanalysis, given I despise therapists claiming to understand emotional remedies better than the inflicted. I'm fine now, it just took a moment to get the pictures to stop replaying.

When I turn the handle into the room, Enid is wearing a rainbow unicorn onesie that looks fluffy from this distance. The lights are turned off but I can see the brightly colored horn on her hood from her bright phone screen. Upon my entrance she shouts my name excitedly, turning on her electronic box's flashlight to guide my way to her bed.

I scoot next to her, beginning to lay down as she speaks, "Wen's, is it okay if we cuddle, or would it be better if we don't touch right now? I want to make sure I'm not a trigger in any way, I've been doing some research while you were in your shower. Oh, also your clothes for the night are on my nightstand," she says, pointing to their location.

"I may like cold showers but I happen to look forward to feeling your warmth afterwards. We can fall asleep holding each other. I- I think I need comfort that only you can provide." I say, dressing in front of her.

"Yay! Cuddle time! Come here, hot stuff," she smiles, opening her arms for me to lie between. I oblige, resting my head on one of her natural chest pillows.

"Enid, what's going to happen to those guy's?" I ask, letting my subconscious thoughts leak out from their compartmentalization.

"I talked to my dad, he wants to go through with the official shunning ceremony, but to do that, we need to take this to court first. We have our own special law system in place for when crimes involve werewolves... but only if you want to testify, of course. I promise, if I ever see them again i'll-"

"No. I don't want you to know what it feels to take a life. It's a decision you can never take back. Handicapping is one thing, but to end a life is another. You came close with me, think of how you felt then. Except in someone else's case, they won't ever come back. Let me bear the darkness of murder, I want you to stay in the light, okay?"

She nods, deep in thought, "I really don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you, Wens."

Her voice is more timid than usual. Before we started dating I would have presumed that she was trying to be difficult to understand. Now I know better. She's speaking from her heart which means that she is genuinely concerned. That I cannot allow. She should only have to feel the positive from being around me - if there is any.

"And you won't. We're in this forever, Sinclair. I'll testify, but not at this moment. I just need to feel you close right now."

She nods as I feel our limbs pressed against each other, it doesn't take long for me to slump into her familiar touch.

Calm. Even amidst all the trauma, I kept my heart open to her, knowing our love will never be tainted. My body apparently can, I found that out tonight, and my mind always has been, but our love will always hold a purity that surpasses the cleanest tree.


"Yes?" I hear her mumble, on the very edge of sleep.

"I'll never stop loving you," and with that, my consciousness fades, falling into slumber.


I awaken the following morning bare, body cold and empty, but not in the way I like. Enid isn't next to me, I'm typically the early riser, so where could she have gone? Then I smell it, the subtle aroma of smoke. I sprint down the steps to hear an alarm blaring, and see Enid frantically opening windows. Her hair is tied back in a low pony, but more strands are in her face than actually restrained by the band, and she's wearing a french style maid apron with what looks to be pancake batter splashed across it.

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