Summary (reader catch up)

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Ok... since I was gone for so long, if you don't feel like re-reading the prior 5-6 chapters I'm making this quick summary to get everyone up to speed again!

Characters and relationship status:
Wednesday and Enid are dating and they have a pet black cat named Luna :))
Yoko Bianca and Divina are all in a poly relationship together (and Divina is a vampire in this story because I wanted her to be lol)
Eugene and Pugsely are dating
Ajax and Xavier are talking/ dating??
Mrs Blacksteine ( full name Athena Blacksteine) the principal is still alive and kicking ass
Thing is a He/they icon
Tyler is dead and his twin brother Griffin is in prison (also fruity like the rest of my characters lol)

Current plot sequence!
Enid was wolfnapped by her older brother Tobias. He tricked his mother into thinking He'd kill his sister in a ritual in front of the whole pack, but in reality he wanted his family to see Enid never betrayed the pack and the whole reason she was shunned in the first place is because their mother disowned her for being gay. Big fight happened between Enid's dad (murray) eldest brother (tobias) and mom (Esther)

Tobias led the battle and won against Esther, naming both him and Murray as the new co-alphas of the Sinclair pack. One problem... After they chained Esther up in the basement she escaped!! So Murray let Wednesday and Yoko follow the search parties to look for the evil wolf while Enid attempts to process that her worst fear (ester) is back out there.

Wednesday and Yoko split up and after hours of searching, Wednesday knew Esther successfully escaped so it was time to call it a day. Members of the search party picked her up to head back to the Sinclair house, then they attempted to take advantage of her, thinking she was just a small girl all alone. Wednesday stabbed one of her offenders and escaped, and thanks to her phone, she was accidentally recording audio of the entire encounter. When Wednesday gets back to the Sinclair house she tells everyone what occurred and plays the video.

After Enid heard what those boys wanted and attempted to do to to her girlfriend, the two embraced and Enid tried her hardest to research sexual assault comforting skills and how to best aid victims of it. The last few days while Wednesday is recovering mentally and physically, Enid tried to make breakfast for Wednesday (epic fail but still cute) and Wednesday ended up teaching Enid how to start driving!

Wednesday is still not there all the way mentally but Enid is making this process a lot smoother than it would have been. Now they are talking about legal steps moving forward in the werewolf world. They have their own court system and to get her assaulters shunned from all packs Wednesday must testify against them in court.

Next actual WLS update will be coming in an hour or two! See you soon my lovely readers, thanks for sticking with me :)

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