Kindness through Misfortune

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Wednesday Addam's POV

This new teacher is going to be entertaining. I stare at the plant girl ominously, if she even thinks about crossing me like how Thornhill did she's got another thing coming.

I'm going to relish in watching her squirm, I now know who I am going to spend my time trying to torture this semester.

"Wednesday Addams to the Principals office."

My train of thought is interrupted by one frightful surprise.

Finally, I get to meet my new Deen. Normally I despise authority figures, given most of them are complete imbeciles, but Ms. Blacksteine is different. She is known for being ruthless and showing no mercy to anyone who crosses her.

Ms. Blacksteine and my mother go way back, all the way to their Nevermore years. They were scheming partners back in the day, notoriously known for causing mayhem.

This girl is going down in history as a terrible, awful human who will die alone, and I would like to learn from her.

I arrive in her quarters, waiting to see why I was summoned. Up close you can see her resting scowl, waiting to punish anyone who steps out of line. If anyone can get nevermore back into tip-top shape, she is the one to do it.

"Hello Wednesday."

her voice slithers out like a venomous snake, each word automatically making you want to submit to her requests. This is true power, power I need.

"Hello Ms. Blacksteine."

"I called you here to warn you. Tyler has escaped from custody, authorities have no clue of his current whereabouts."

The Hyde. Of course he managed to escape, I wish I had the chance to kill him. A creature like him doesn't deserve a single breath.

He loves to pretend, I despise pretenders.

While I admire his bloodlust, I simply can't understand why one would befriend someone you are trying to kill. It would be much simpler to get the job done right away.

"Do you think he is going to attempt coming back here?"

"Given your history, I wouldn't be surprised if he comes for your life Wednesday. I've heard about you and your cold blooded ways from your family and peers. You remind me of... well... me when I was younger. It would be such a shame if anything were to happen to such a dark, promising spirit."

"What do you suggest I do then? If Tyler comes back the whole school is in danger, I can't let that happen."

"I was going to suggest you leave Nevermore and attend a different school for outcasts, but much like myself you don't back down from fights. Be wary child, as you must know, once a Hyde is unlocked they are extremely dangerous."

"Yes, I will not be leaving Nevermore. It is the only bearable school I have attended so far."

The Dean walks closer, placing a hand on my shoulder.

All of the sudden my head jerks back, pupils going inside my eye sockets as my body falls limp.

I see a figure dressed in all black hiding around the school. Blood on the academy's walls. Suddenly the scene changes and everyone is wearing black, a casket is lowered into the ground.

Flashes of light cause me to never see the full vision, I still haven't mastered my ability yet.

A werewolf runs around a forrest with blood on it's mane.

The scenes change again, way too fast to catch any vital details.

A hospital bed with people crowded around, I can't see who is in the bed though.

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