Hunting Trip

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TW: this is a very traumatic chapter, please read with extreme caution. Descriptions of Violence, SA, and emotional pain are seen, if any of these things are a trigger, i'd recommend skipping to the next chapter.

Wednesday Addams POV:

She fell.

She fell because that pest of a birth giver had managed to perform a disappearing act so spectacular only the great Houdini could dream to accomplish. How does the likes of Ester escape shackles such as these? I assumed only a master escapist such as Houdini as well as myself were capable of such feats... albeit by different methods.

Murray sprints down the basement steps after watching Enid fall, after seeing one useless Wednesday Addams be too stunned by the newfound revelation, I didn't catch Enid's legs in time. Thankfully my modes tend to switch on and off quickly, this time my protective instincts kick into hyperdrive as I cradle Enid's head before hitting the ground. I won't allow Ester to harm her anymore, or anyone else for that matter.

I kneel gently, letting Enid's skull rest on my upper legs, like they're some sort of pillow, as I look over to her father.

"She needs water, ice water," I state, pressing two fingers to her neck as I hear Murray rush out of the room. I don't waste a moment, beginning to count the beats I feel from her carotid artery, they pulse at the same interval every time, averaging one beat per second, all good signs. She will be waking up soon. A sense of relief floods my body - I know it's wrong. But I can't help but be thankful that she isn't in a worse condition. If only I was quicker.

Her father quickly hands me the water glass, I take out a cube of ice, placing it on her pressure points to cool her off. I then prop Enid's feet up, preventing her from going into shock when she regains consciousness, loosening the collar of her shirt so she has greater access to oxygen.

After performing those steps, I take a moment to look down at the color magnet in my arms. Even after passing out, her delicate features sparkle. She really is effortlessly beautiful, I trace her smile lines with my pointer finger, soon being met with bright blue eyes as they flutter awake. After all this time, I still can't resist that foreign feeling of happiness whenever I get the pleasure to see her. Albeit that feeling is becoming less foreign. I don't hate it. Curious.

"Enid, are you okay?" I ask, moreso for the pleasantry of it, obviously knowing that in reality, she is anything but okay.

"Yeah, I guess my brain just went boom after hearing the news. I'll be alright, I promise."

I interlock Enid's fingers in mine, my hand fidgeting with hers as I sit her up, motioning towards the glass of water. She gives me a strained smile, accepting the drink as I watch her cheeks resume their rosy and lively color after each sip.

"I know, Cara Mia, I know. You'll be okay, but I don't want her to be. Mr. Sinclair, how long have you known about Ester's escape?"

"Uhh, I don't know, kid, maybe like seven minutes, give or take?"

Just what I thought, this is still fresh, meaning she couldn't have gone far. It's not like the bitch could turn into a wolf today anyways, and now that I know Enid's physical state is in good order, there's nothing preventing me from going wolf hunting. Whether or not that is legal is of no concern to me, there is a greater cause at stake.

"Mr. Sinclair, I request access to a compound bow with arrows, or a fully loaded shotgun," I state.

He responds, shaking his head wildly for a brief moment while giving a double take over what I just asked of him, "Uhh, I'm not your legal guardian so I can't allow you to throw yourself into danger like that. Anyways, I sent out two search teams already but I seriously doubt we'll find her. If she's still near, we'll bring er' back, if she's not, we need to use this time to build our strength back. I'm sure you've studied war, but if not, it means we're a prime target for rival packs to attack and take over. We're weaker during this authority shift and these other packs aren't like the wolves that go to Nevermore, they're wilder, stronger. Why do you think Enid looks different from the rest of those preppy wolves? She's the only purebred at that school."

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