Emergency Meeting

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Enid Sinclair's POV

I make my way towards the Nightshade archives, snapping twice to grant my entry. Walking in I see a big chalkboard in front of the room and pillows spewed everywhere for people to sit on.

I'm the first one here other than Wednesday. I can tell her mind is full, I shouldn't distract her concentration. I walk over towards a pillow in the front row, talking my seat. I really cant believe Wednesday is my girlfriend now, every time she's near I get butterflies in my stomach.

Well I'm definitely VERY gay.

I've never felt like this with Ajax, I'm so glad I broke up with him.

My body is also going through it today. I have been incredibly hungry, my muscles are contracting, and my 5 senses are going crazy. I am so ready to get this full moon over with.

"Enid, thank you for arriving early."

"Of course, I know how much you hate it when people are late."

"Let's hope everyone else is on time."

Wednesday goes back to reading some book from the archives and I await patiently for the others to arrive.

Over the next 10 minutes, Bianca has arrived with her sirens, Yoko is here with the wolves, as is Xavier, the vampires, and Eugene. The only one left is Ajax.

I swear if this boy got himself turned to stone again I'm going to be so mad.

Finally the statue moves again, that must be Ajax...


Oh no what if she kicks us all out. Mrs. Blacksteine waltz's in, standing beside Wednesday as she whispers something in the girls ear. My girlfriend subtly nods towards the Dean as she picks up a piece of chalk. Our headmaster then makes her way towards the pillows, sitting right next to mine.

Oh why, oh why did she have to sit next to me? Our stern principal glances over at me, did Wednesday invite her to this meeting too? She looks me up and down, surely judging everything about me. Our headmaster really gives me the heebie jeebies.

I stare straight ahead, hoping my girlfriend can distract me from this severe discomfort.

Much better. The small girl dressed in black looks back at me, our eyes locking together. I study the girls facial features, I won't ever grow tired of looking at her beauty.

I've noticed that her glance softens when she looks at me. I could easily get lost in her big chocolate brown eyes. She has this perfect button nose you just want to 'Boop.' Don't even get me started on her lips. They are so full and pink, all I want to do is kiss this girl. Her skin has these beautiful freckles, giving the girl a softer look. My girlfriend is so pretty I can't take it.

I'm excited to fence with her later.

She suddenly breaks our eye contact, beginning to speak to the crowd.

"Alright everybody, all of you are here on time other than the gorgon. I won't keep you all waiting for him..."

The statue moves again, causing all of our heads to turn. A tall boy rushes in, breathless.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late my headpiece wasn't cooperating."

My girlfriend walks over in his direction, her gaze on the boy is frightening. If looks could kill, he would be dead right now.

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