Hold Back

212 7 3

3th POV || December 28th, 1988

Mike was dying.
At least that's what he kept saying as he laid in bed, with five blankets on him, and a wet washcloth on his forehead.

Karen and Ted were out of town with Holly at a funeral for Karen's aunt.
Nancy hated the woman, so she acted like she couldn't make it back home for it due to work.
Mike was going to act sick, but turned out to actually get a flu.

Karen almost stayed home, but Will offered to stay at the Wheeler's for the weekend they would be gone to take care of Mike.

"Stop being so dramatic, Michael." Will said as he moved the washcloth slightly

"I'm dying, William."

"Oh my god, you should've joined drama club this year, you would've been perfect at it." Will said, moving the washcloth to the nightstand as Mike stuck his tongue out at him and Will rolled his eyes in response. "are you hungry?"

"A little.. what do we have?"

"I know I saw some caned noodle soup.. I think you should eat light, I don't wanna have to hear you complain about your stomach again." Will said kissing his cheek softly "I think I saw some rice in there."

"Soup kinda sounds good.."

"Okay, just stay here, I'll be right back." Will said getting up and leaving the room.

Mike closed his eyes slightly.
He didn't mean to fall asleep.
But next thing he knew he woke up to his bedroom door opening again as Will stepped in.
Mike hadn't been a deep sleeper in years, possibly ever.

"Hey Mike, you gotta sit up, I don't wanna have to clean your bedsheets." Will said sitting next to him but facing him now, as Mike sat up Will handed over the bowl.

"Thanks Will.."

"Yeah of course.." Will said back.
Will figured it was the least he could do after everything Mike has done for him whenever he's gotten sick.

After Mike ate, he moved the bowl to the nightstand before turning to lay his head on Will's lap as Will messed with his hair.

"You're so clingy when you're sick." Will muttered leaning down to kiss his head

"You love it.." Mike whispered back, cuddling up to his leg "I'm just s'tired.." Mike's words slurring from both the fever and the medicine Will forced down his throat, like a dog unwilling to take their meds, this morning.

"Go to sleep.." Will said, messing with his hair. Mike stayed quiet for awhile letting his eyes shut.
Will thought he was asleep, until he saw Mike's eyebrows turn down in question and his eyes open to look up at him.

"Would you still love me if I were a worm?" Mike asked, Will chuckled slightly putting his hand on Mike's forehead.

"How high is your temperature?"

"Just answer the question, you jackass." Mike said, swatting his hand away as Will chuckled again.

"I would get you the best dirt, and a nice jar home, and keep you on my desk." Will simply said pushing his hair.

"I would put you in my Mom's garden.. she keeps it pretty there.." Mike said taking his hand and resting them on his chest letting his eyes close again.

"Okay Mike.." Will whispered back, earning a soft laugh in return before Mike did eventually drift off.

Will was still awake, leaning against the headboard with a soft smile looking around the room he had known since he was only five years old.

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