Modern Day Van Gogh

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3th POV || January 18th, 1989

Mike had been trying to think of what to give Will for his birthday
Yes it wasn't for almost two months but Mike needed this to be perfect

It was Will's first birthday since all the Upside-down shit ended and Mike wanted his present to be special
Mike hadn't even told Will he was coming for it during spring break Karen and Joyce worked it all out while Will and El were at school or while Will was working

Mike sat down at his desk trying to think of what to do
Will got letters from him all the time so there wasn't anything special about that not really
Not special enough anyways

So Mike grabbed the nice note book Holly had gotten him (with Max's help) for Christmas
It didn't have lines and the paper was semi thick

Mike got up going down the hall a few doors down knocking on Holly's door softly trying not to wake up their parents but knowing damn well Holly never actually went to sleep when Karen or himself tried to tuck her in

Holly opened the door a minute or so later


"Can I borrow some crayons? Or markers? Those would probably be better."

"You never draw.." Holly said turning around to head to her tiny desk to get her box of markers

"I need to color code some, homework, thing." Mike said leaning against her door frame until she handed him the box "thanks kid." Mike said messing with her hair "and go to sleep please, before Mom yells at you or me." he added heading back to his room to complete his mission
Holly shut the door and stayed up til about two in the morning

March 12th, 1989

Almost a week til Mike's plan all came together
He may or may not have stayed up late almost missing first period multiple times this past month due to sleeping in
And definitely hadn't almost let it slip while talking to Will on the phone last night long after both of them should've been in bed

Currently Mike was sitting in his room at his desk again trying to get it perfect now on his 27th try

"Mike!" Holly yelled from the hallway
Mike got up jogging out worried she was hurt.. just to see her standing there perfectly fine

"What?" Mike asked crossing his arms Holly just rolled her eyes

"I'm bored." Holly said Mike sighed softly remembering when Nancy used to just tell him to go call one of his friends if she was busy

"Wanna watch a movie? I think we still have Top Gun out, that has Tom Cruise in it." Mike said going into his room to grab a sweatshirt
Holly followed

"Who's Tom Cruise?"

"An actor, he's super ho- good super um.. super good, he was in Risky Business and stuff.. Nance has a poster of him in her room." Mike said crossing his arms again and walking out downstairs with her
He definitely never thought of stealing the poster before, definitely not

March 22nd, 1989

The day was finally here
Mike was forced to sit in a shitty far-too-tight seat for four hours
But it would be worth it
He hoped
As long as he wasn't making a fool of himself by surprising his boyfriend in California
Shit he hoped Will would be excited to see him

Four hours later Mike was in a taxi on his way to the Hopper-Byers' house
When he got there he saw Joyce waiting outside for him
It was about seven so Will was still asleep most likely

Mike got out with two bags
His backpack that had a few things for Will along with books to keep himself entertained if Will had to work that week
A duffle bag with clothes and boring stuff

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