Remember Me

237 6 4

AN // 3804 words
Basically um the longest one shot I've ever written so yeah lol I hope you like it:)

3th POV || October 27th, 1991

The room was bright due to the big windows, machines and lights in the ceiling

Will laying in the bed unconscious

Mike was sitting beside him holding his hand with tears running down his face falling off onto the bed or his knee

The door opened slowly to Joyce
Mike quickly used his other hand to wipe away the tears but missing a few

"Hey.." Mike whispered his voice too rough to talk much louder without it cracking

"Hi honey.." Joyce said sitting in the chair beside him and putting a hand on his back "how are you holding up?"

"I feel like dying.." Mike said Joyce sighed "I just.. I need him I don't know I just do.. I can't lose him Joyce.."

"It'll be okay.."

"I need him.." Mike choked out never letting his eyes leave Will
The mask on his face
IVs in his veins
Eyelids shut
Mouth in a deep frown
Bandages wrapped around his head with hair poking out in places

"He'll be okay, I'm sure of it.. he survived the Upside-down, he can survive a hit to the head.." Joyce said softly beside him

"There was so, so much blood Joyce.. it looked like a fucking crime scene.." Mike said looking over at the woman who was basically his in-law at this point

"He fell on the patio Mike, it's not your fault." Joyce said moving her hand to cup his cheek carefully

"Yes it is, if I had just.. just gone with him, I could've caught him, instead I have to wait for the dog to come get me.. maybe if I had been faster, he would be awake right now but, but he was laying out there for like twenty minutes.." Mike explained Joyce sighed moving to rub his back softly again

"It's not your fault, you couldn't have done anything Mike."

"Yes, I could've.." Mike whispered

Later Joyce left to sleep for the night
Mike never left his side except to use the bathroom which he would try to hold as long as he could
But Mike eventually passed out probably due to not sleeping at all the past few days

When he woke up the next morning it was to Will pushing at his shoulder

"Will?" Mike asked quickly sitting up Will simply waved "Will.. do you know who I am?" Will shook his head

"No.. sorry.."

"Hey it's okay, stop with the sorrys.. I'm gonna go get a nurse, okay? Make sure you're alright then we'll talk, okay? Then I'll introduce myself." Mike asked Will nodded softly

About twenty minutes later Mike was allowed back in
Will looked.. better? He had new wraps on his head and they took the mask off

"Hey Will.." Mike whispered softly going over to sit beside him "I um.. got you a bottle of water, it's um warm so it should be good.." Will nodded taking the bottle with a small 'thanks'
"I'm um.. Mike Wheeler, by the way.."

"Mike.. okay.. how long have we known each other..?"

"Kindergarten.. I was scared, so I walked up to you on the swing set because you were the only other one alone too.." Mike explained Will smiled ever so slightly "um.. we lived across town from each other, in Hawkins, Indiana.. now we live in a small rented house together here in Lorena, California for school.." Will nodded slightly

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