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This is based off a comment I saw on Instagram talking about a theory (I can't remember the comment now it was a few hours ago and I have no memory apparently) but I found it super interesting so why not
Pls don't hate me for killing off a character:[ lol

3th POV || October 28th, 1988

The sky was dark gray as they all walked towards the woods
The air was heavy and it was hard to breathe and it was hard to not get chocked up over the fact that they didn't know how many of them would make it out.. if any..

Joyce and Hopper were ahead of them
Hopper, Nancy and Will all had guns at the ready.. El was ready to kill if needed..
Mike wasn't leaving Will's side like a lost puppy following their person
Jonathan was staying close to Nancy

Everyone else had left and nobody blamed them.. their families had all moved about a year ago to different parts of the country
The Hendersons went to Utah
The Mayfields and the Sinclairs had both ended up in Texas

"El, I want you to be careful, okay? Really careful." Will said putting his hands on El's shoulders
She nodded slightly

"I will be okay.." El simply stated with a soft hopeful smile as she hugged her brother
Will hugged back tightly holding her head
They pulled away and El kissed his cheek
"I love you."

"I love you too.. don't get yourself killed in there, okay? Promise?"


Once they found the gate in the base of a tree Hopper went through first
Then Nancy
Then Will
Then El
The rest followed shortly behind only to be welcomed by the first three shooting at bats and El pulling them apart

"Will!" Mike yelled as a bat started to attack the (only slightly) older boy's arm
Will dropped the gun falling down

Mike ran over helping him up and over behind some trees
Will sat against a big tree he couldn't identify in the real Hawkins let alone when it was covered in big black vines
Mike kneeled beside him taking his backpack off

"Arm." Mike simply said Will held his arm out and Mike started wrapping it with bandages he had brought along in case

"I'm fine, Mike.." Will whispered

"No, you're losing a ton of blood, a ton of blood, Will, that's not 'fine'" Mike said wrapping as tight as possible earning short and quiet cries of pain followed by Mike repeatedly apologizing
"There, all better.."

"Thanks, Mike.." Will whispered Mike nodded slightly getting up and helping Will up as Hopper ran over

"We gotta go. Now." Hopper said holding out Will's gun
He took it quickly and they walked back to the others

They (re)started their hike to the Creel House
Vecna was most likely going to be there so Will and El told the others that's where they were going

"Michael get over here " Will said like a parent scolding their child for walking away in a store
Mike had gotten distracted by looking at a vine that looked a bit odd to him even though it was the same as all the others

"Coming!" Mike said jogging slightly to catch up to Will
"Hey remember a few years back.. how this all started, because of a stupid DnD game.." Mike whispered with a soft almost bitter chuckle

"Yeah.. if only Karen had let us play twenty more minutes, right?" Will said with a soft laugh
He was mostly joking though Mike didn't find it funny
Somehow this would've still happened he knew that.. no matter what happened this was all gonna fall someday somehow
But they could've delayed it
They could've all been kids just awhile longer instead of growing up so quickly at only twelve

Byler || One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن