The Night

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(Takes place in 1989 ages 18)

3th POV
Mike and Will
Best friends from 5 to 18

May 26th 1989
Two days away
Two days till they are thrown into the wilderness that is the real world

No more school
Moving far away from their friends and family and each other

Will knew where he was going
To Lenora Community College
Where Jonathan had gone alongside Argyle..

Mike on the other hand
Had no fucking clue

He had applied to a few just a few he figured if he didn't get in anywhere he would just get a job straight away
The only two places that answered back were Indiana University in Bloomington only an hour from his family
And Lenora Community College in California where his best friend would be..

William Byers and Michael Wheeler were best friends for as long as either could remember
They can't remember a life without knowing each other

Mike had asked Will to be his friend and Will had said yes
Will always thought that Mike probably regretted that
Mike has always claimed that to be his best decision in his short 18 years of life

The two boys were sitting across from each other on that old couch in Mike's Basement in Hawkins where they used to fall asleep watching bad sci-fi movies
It was bittersweet being here with Will

Mike knew Will was leaving again in just a few days after graduation

Will and the rest of his family had moved back in 1987 only leaving behind Jonathan since he was in college
But now
Will was going back to California
He had it all figured out
Live with Jonathan and Argyle for a few months till he got a job and an apartment

"Hey, Will?"

"Yeah?" Will asked the long hair boy in front of him as he held his knee closer to his chest

"How about we get out of here.. enjoy Hawkins at night.. no one around to call us freaks, or anything else.. just you, me and the city lights." Mike said knowing Will would probably say no
But he was surprised when he said a small smirk

"Last one outside drives!" Will yelled getting up and running up the stairs

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" Mike yelled after him running close behind

Mike was last

They got into the boy's dark blue truck that looked almost black in the stary night sky

Mike popped in a tape
Dustin and Lucas tried to convince them both to switch over to CDs as they were getting popular but Mike and Will had argued that their cars only had spots for tapes not CDs
Plus Mike would never give up the few tapes Eddie had given him all the way back in Freshman year

Prodigal Son by Iron Maiden

Mike had really turned into a Mini Eddie Munson over the years
Glove department full of mixtapes that either he or his friends had made over the years including the ones that Steve made him every year on his birthday since Mike was 15

As Mike drove him and Will would make small conversations
Until they eventually got to their location

"Walmart?" Will questioned the slightly taller boy "why Walmart?"

"It's fun to be crazy in a Walmart at.." Mike stopped as he looked at the time on his car "at Midnight." Will rolled his eyes "come on.. trust me." Mike begged as he parked in the big parking lot

Mike gave Will those puppy eyes
The puppy eyes that often got Will into trouble because he could never say no to them
Something about Mike's Raven black eyes always played with Will's heart strings

"Fine." Will says "but I swear, Michael if we get in trouble I will-"

"Shh shh, I got it." the taller boy said getting out as the older of the two got out As well

As the two boys went inside
Mike grabbed a cart Will rolled his eyes knowing before Mike even began that his best friend would climb into the cart

Will started pushing the cart
Mike always climbed into the carts whenever he would go to the store with the party forcing someone (usually Will) to push him around as they shopped

"To the music, Will the Wise!" Mike said in a fancy voice

"Yes, my knight." Will said matching the tone as they ran through the (mostly) empty store

Mike got out only to look through the tapes Will happily joined him

"Hey look it's that song you like.. didn't your old tape get ruined?" Mike asked

"Yeah, but I'll get a new one later, I didn't bring any money with me.." Will said with slight embarrassment

"I was gonna buy it for you, idiot." Mike said putting it in the cart Will smiled

"Thanks, Mike."

"No problem.." the boys continued looking in silence
Until Mike spoke again
"How are Jonathan and Argyle? Have they called recently?"

"Um.. yeah Jonathan calls just about everyday.. they're good and happy.. Argyle still goes to rehab every once in awhile but has pretty much stopped, according to Jonathan.. Jon got a new job taking pictures for a magazine so he's excited.."

"That's really cool."


After the two boys messed around for awhile
They eventually got kicked out as they were running around a little too much

They got burgers from McDonald's and then drove to the middle of nowhere

At 2 AM
They sat on top of the tool box on the back of Mike's truck

They happily ate in silence
But after they ate Mike handed the younger boy a letter
A letter from Lenora Community College

Will read through it
Mike had gotten into the school Will was going to


"Will, before you start," Mike said softly Will looked into his damn puppy eyes again "I know, I've said Hawkins wasn't the same without you, but I'm starting to believe that about Indiana, America, the world, the universe and everything as a whole.. I can't picture being anywhere in this universe without you Will.. I know you probably don't feel the same but.."

"Mike," Will started but didn't know how to finish his thought..
The older of the two put his hand on the Raven eyed boy's jaw
And kissed him softly
Mike returning the kiss immediately

When they pulled away
They were smiling at each other slightly
Tears running down their faces as they hugged

The night
That changed everything

Posted: 8/23/22

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