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3th POV || July 4th, 1988

Will was sitting on the grass watching Dustin and Lucas throw M&Ms at each other into their mouths
El was trying her best to braid Max's hair to help lift it off her neck since it was at least in the 80s outside
Max was tying Holly's hair up slightly

"Well good news, I found the bug spray! Bad news, the bugs found me first." Mike said flopping beside him making Will chuckle slightly "want any?"

"Yeah, thanks." Will said taking it and spraying himself as Mike brought his leg up to scratch a new bug bite then threw the bottle at Dustin making him jump slightly at the light impact

"Ow! Damn it!" Dustin said picking it up to look at it making Will and Mike laugh at him

"Good idea bringing Holly, I know she likes the fireworks." Mike said leaning against Will's side
Karen and Ted were both busy and Nancy was with Jonathan in New York visiting so Holly would've had to stay with someone or come with them to the park

"Yeah I mean, she's basically in love with me, what kind of crush would I be if I didn't invite her?" Will said making him laugh
Everyone knew of Holly's little puppy love crush on Will (and Mike definitely wasn't jealous of his eight year old sister no sir)

Will looked at his watch seeing the time
"Guys the fireworks should be starting in a minute!"

"Got it!" Dustin said laying backwards
They all laid backwards

Holly moved lay beside Mike letting his arm wrap around her as the fireworks start
Will took Mike's free hand

Later Will was driving Mike, Holly and himself to the Wheeler's house for the night
Dustin and Lucas were going to hang out at the Sinclair's house while Max went with El to the Mayfield place

Born In The USA playing on the radio as Holly went on about how pretty the fireworks were
Mike had his head against Will's shoulder as Will tapped along to the song and drove

By the time they got home Holly had fallen asleep so Will carried her as Mike opened doors for him

"Sid you kids have fun?" Karen asked with a soft smile Will nodded Mike nodded too

"Yeah and Holly got so excited she passed out, I'm gonna put her to bed." Will said going upstairs

"What did you kids all do?" Karen asked looking back down at the laundry that she was folding

"Got some hot dogs and some coke.. Holly cuddled up to me while the fireworks went off." Mike said stretching as Will walked back down looking exhausted

"Very much so.." Will said Mike nodded

"We're gonna go to bed.. night Mom, see you in the morning." Mike said side hugging her before following Will upstairs to his bedroom

Will just fell backwards letting his limps fall into some starfish position
Mike chuckled picking up and moving Will's arm to lay beside him

"I don't want you to leave.." Mike said Will lifted his head just enough to look over and see Mike there


"You're going back to Lenora at the end of the month, I don't want you to leave.." Mike whispered Will rolled over to face him taking his hand carefully

"Well, next year we won't have to go through this every visit.. we'll have our own place far away from here.. we'll never have to leave each other again, okay..?"

"Okay.." Mike whispered softly
Will leaned forward to kiss him which Mike happily returned putting his hand on Will's waist while Will's hand went to his cheek
They pulled away and smiled softly

"Night Michael.."

"Goidnight Will.."

And with that Mike cuddled up to Will
Will held him closely

Their shared breathes as they shared the dark blue blanket
Their heartbeats in sync with one another making the beats way louder than any firework could ever dream of being

Byler || One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon