Three Inches

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3th POV || November 18th, 1988

Mike got out of his car, that he could hardly drive, and walked up the path to the Hopper-Byers' front door with a light smile planted on his lips.

When he knocked the door opened to an exhausted Hopper just staring at him.

"Hey Ji-"

"Stop dating my kids, Wheeler." Hopper said slamming the door shut, just for Mike to knock again, and be met with the same figure.

"Not getting rid of me that easily." Mike said leaning against the piller on the porch "if you don't let me in, I'll just climb up to his bedroom window."

"No, you'll actually just fall and break your damn arm in half, Wheeler." Hopper said Mike rolled his eyes but quickly smiled when Will pushed past Hopper.

"Let him in Hop." Will said Hopper grumbled something under his breath as Mike stepped in wearing a shit eating grin.

"Buh-bye Jim." Mike said waving to him as the two teens headed upstairs

"Three inches! If I see it closed I will kill you Wheeler!" Hopper shouted after them, which was met with a middle finger from Mike and Will promptly pushing his hand down.

When the two made it to the bedroom, Will shut it all the way before sitting on his bed grabbing his notebook.
Mike sat next to him, leaning against his left side watching in amazement at how he could just, draw something.

His bedroom was a lot like his California one in the way it was set up.
A TV towards the end of his bed, mostly so El wasn't subjected to his very often horror movie marathons that went late into the night.
His bed was pushed into the corner and his Jaws poster hung beside it.
Art stuff laid out everywhere.

Will got back into his drawing while Mike tried to distract him by kissing his cheek or even, singing some awful pop song Will hated.

"I kinda regret telling Hop to let you in." Will muttered as Mike smiled.

"Don't worry, he'll clock that door and kill me soon enough." Mike said back making Will roll his eyes, but also smile nonetheless, as he put his notebook to the side.

"You're so stupid." Will said kissing him, making Mike smile as he kissed back, putting his hand on his arm.
Before the door popped opened and the two of them jumped away from each other.

"Who shut the door?" Hopper asked, standing there in random, not matching, shirt and sweatpants outfit.

"I did Hop, we're not doing anything, don't kill my boyfriend." Will said, Hopper rolled his eyes, gave Mike a pointed look almost promising death, then left, leaving the door open three inches.

"Can you teach me that?" Mike asked making Will chuckled kissing his cheek before patting his shoulder and laying back.
Mike laid back joining him.

"How was your meeting with Ms. Kelley?" Will asked looking over at him, meeting his gaze.

"Fine.. gave me some medicine for my headaches.." Mike whispered, Will nodded "told me that.. that because of my weird, Post-Traumatic shit, that um.. I'm more prone to panic attacks, and that if I um.. if I need to hide out, I can go there, but also that she'll tell my teachers about it so, if I need to leave, they won't question me.." Will nodded taking his hand and squeezing it.

"I'm glad they're taking it seriously." Will said, remembering how last year it took longer for them approve that same stuff for him, then brought their hands up to kiss the back of his. "I love you."

"I love you too.."

"And if you ever need anything, and I mean anything, please tell me.. I get it Mike.." Will explained Mike nodded softly "and I know it can be embarrassing, but I'm here.. and I know you guys hate each other, but Hopper knows a lot about this stuff too, and he's helped me.. I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you too.."

"He threatened me like, five minutes ago, Will"

"Yeah, but this is actually serious."

A few minutes later, Hopper reappeared in the doorway.

"Wheeler, we're going for a walk and I suggest you get up and join me without fighting, understood? Or I'm going with the sick grandma thing again." Hopper said before turning around "downstairs in two minutes or I'll band you from the house." he added before leaving.

"I'll be right back." Mike said as Will laughed at him, watching as he got up.

"Good luck, may the force be with you." Will said, Mike chuckled slightly leaving the room.

Mike stepped outside to see Hopper sitting on the bench that Joyce had gotten when they moved to this house.

"Mike, sit." Hopper said with a poker face, and Mike sat across from him on the semi-short stone wall that lined the porch "so.. how's the grandma?" Mike snorted crossing his arms.

"Nana's fine.. still kicking, no broken bones.. still likes to get drunk and yell at the stupid people on TV." Mike explained Hopper smiled chuckling "you don't get how jarring it is to have a, seventy something year old, catholic women yell about 'stupid shit heads' on games shows."

"She sounds nice." Hopper said Mike smiled softly and shrugged "but you know, I didn't drag you out here to talk about your grandmother."

"Yeah, I figured.." Mike whispered with a sigh as he pushed his hair back, then started messing with his hands.

"Look, I'll be real with you." Hopper said, running a hand down his face "I've never had to do anything like this before.. Sara passed away so young, I kinda jumped straight into the whole teenager thing and.. I don't know how to handle my kids dating.. Jonathan already had Nancy and.. you and El were so bad for each other but.. I see you and Will, and I know that's serious, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit.. assholey."

"You're always an asshole." Mike said with a soft smile making Hopper chuckle again "I really love Will.. I liked El, but I don't think I ever loved her.. I don't think I knew what that was supposed to look, or feel, like I mean my only references were my parents and Nancy with Steve.. but now, I know what it is.. and I promise to protect that.."

"Good." Hopper said looking at him carefully "if you hurt my son, I will kill you and I will cover it up, got it?" Mike nodded with a soft smile "okay."

"You're going soft in your old age." Mike said Hopper chuckled getting up which Mike copied.

"No, I just know my other two kids will destroy you much better than I can." Hopper said, Mike nodded as they walked inside together.

"Good, you're still alive." Will said kissing Mike's cheek and looking over at Hopper "you didn't scare him, right?"

"We actually had a good, conversation minimum threats." Mike said with a smile making Will chuckled and nod.

"Okay.." Will said, Hopper nodded.

"Door stays open three inches, no sharing beds during sleepovers and no sneaking out together at night." Hopper said patting Will's shoulder and walking to the kitchen to help Joyce with dinner.

"That went well." Will said Mike nodded leaning down slightly to kiss him.
Will kissed back putting his hand on Mike's cheek.

They were lucky both of their families were semi accepting.
Ted and Karen just tried not to bring it up though Will was still invited to Thanksgiving.
Hopper and Joyce were accepting of whatever their kids did, or were, Hopper just judged Will's taste, and Mike was coming to Christmas at their place that year.

They were pretty lucky.

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