Silly Me To Fall

213 4 7

Jonathan & Will sibling time
+ mentions of Byler & Jancy (mostly Byler)

3th POV || June 27th, 1986

It was late into the night as Jonathan sat backwards on his desk chair watching his little brother pace the room so much he was afraid the boy would rip a hole right through the floor
The black block of a digital clock on Jonathan's dresser flashed green '2:21am' on it's small screen as Will went off about everything he hated about Michael Wheeler

Yet no matter how much he tried he couldn't actually say anything bad about Mike
Sure there were annoying things he did but Will somehow found a way to love those things too

So Jonathan just listened to his brother try to convince both of them that he was not in love with Mike
This had been going on since midnight but Jonathan didn't complain just listened changing spots every once in awhile

"Jonathan?" Will whispered sitting on his bed and looking at his older brother


"I love Mike, don't I..?" Will asked looking down at his hands
Jonathan moved to sit next to him and wrap his arm around Will

"I mean.. I'm not an expert or anything, but I'm pretty sure you show all the signs of loving a Wheeler." Jonathan said Will chuckled slightly "but hey.. remember I love you, no matter what, alright? You can't do anything to make me love you any less got it? You're my little brother, my like best friend for life, I love you." Will smiled hugging him
Jonathan hugged him back

"I love you too Jonathan.. thank you.." Will whispered Jonathan just nodded patting his back as they pulled away

"You need rest idiot, you and El have that movie tomorrow right?"

"Yeah but.. how am I supposed to face her when I'm in love with her boyfriend?"

"Ex boyfriend. They broke up in Hawkins, remember?"

"Still her first boyfriend and they just broke up in April, Jonathan! Isn't it like, an unspoken sibling rule you never date someone your sibling dated it?"

"I've never heard it."

"Because it's unspoken, Jonathan! I can't just ask El if it's okay to date Mike because then I would have to tell her I'm gay, when only you know, and besides Mike probably doesn't even like me."

"Bullshit." Jonathan said laying back "Mike has been in love with you since you boys were kids and I would read fairytales to you at sleepovers."
Will sighed laying back
"You usually fell asleep before him, and he would kiss your forehead or cheek to see if the fairytale was real.." Will looked over with his arms over his stomach


"Yeah man, he loved you then and no matter how much I dislike him nowadays, or how dense he is.. I know he loves you still.. Nancy said he locked himself up in the basement for almost two weeks when we left this last time." Jonathan said Will sighed looking up at the ceiling



"Can I stay in here tonight?"

"Yeah of course.. you're always welcome in here.. you're my best friend  you know that." Jonathan said Will smiled softly

"Because you don't have any friends?" Will asked Jonathan laughed softly

"None as cool as you." Jonathan said Will laughed "so.. are you alright with loving Mike?"

"Yeah.. I mean I have since I was like ten.." Will said Jonathan nodded folding his arms behind his head
"Won't it be weird though? I mean you and Nancy are together, can Mike and I even date?"

"I mean you aren't related in any way even if Nancy and I got married one day that would just make you brother-in-laws not actual brothers.. it's not illegal, I know a kid from school whose sister is married to a boy and the boy's sister is the kid's girlfriend.. it's not weird just uncommon." Jonathan said Will nodded slightly

"So.. have you and Nancy talked about marriage?" Will asked Jonathan laughed

"You're almost as bad as Nancy's grandma, you little punk." Jonathan said bumping his shoulder making Will laugh "no she's going to a school in Massachusetts and I'm staying here.. we've not been the best.."

"Why are you staying here? I thought you wanted to go to New York?" Will asked Jonathan shrugged

"I don't wanna leave you guys.. I don't think I'm ready to be that far away, it was different when we were in Hawkins, I mean it was still gonna be far but not 43 hours far.. I don't know I just don't wanna leave you guys and I like California.. it's nice and warm here.."

"Jonathan.. we'll be okay.. if you want to go to New York.. Vecna is gone.. we'll survive.." Will whispered Jonathan looked over and smiled softly

"We'll see alright? How about we get some sleep, it's late Will." Jonathan said getting up and turning the ceiling light off and turning on the small lamp knowing Will couldn't sleep without some sort of light

Will moved to get comfortable
Jonathan laid beside him

"Night Jonathan.."

"Night Will.. sweet dreams." Jonathan said Will nodded slightly and they turned their backs to each other

Will was out quickly
Jonathan stayed awake for awhile thinking about what his brother had said about them being okay if he did go to New York
He had always wanted to but he felt the need to stay here with his family and Argyle.. with the people that loved him

Jonathan eventually passed out as well
And the two slept like that until Joyce knocked in the morning to wake them both up so Jonathan could go to work and Will to go to the movies with El

But until the morning
The two brothers slept just happy the other was there to comfort them
Happy they had both survived everything they had gone through
Happy to have some peace for the first time ever almost

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