Two Hours

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3th POV || April 2nd, 1986

It was day five of the Byers "freeloading" off the Wheelers -at least that's what Mike and Will had been jokingly referring it as-

Will was leaning on Mike's bed facing the closet while waiting for Mike and flipping through a comic he had read back in Lenora a couple of months ago.

The past few days have been fine, maybe even slightly fun for the two.
Having each other back was fun.
Being able to hang out again was fun, they were even teaching Holly DnD.

But of course they were still kinda awkward with each other, especially when they were alone.
Will tried to distance himself, which was difficult considering they were sharing a bedroom.
Yet Mike kept pulling him back basically following him around like a lost puppy.

Soon the door opened to Mike, still trying to towel dry his hair even though it was long enough to warrant using a hair dryer.

"Hey Mike." Will muttered, not bothering to look up at him.

"Hey, you can shower now if you want.. maybe wait a few for the hot water." Mike said Will nodded before looking up
"Whoa, when did Mike Wheeler stop wearing clothes from the gap?" Will asked with a light teasing smile at Mike's band shirt

"I wear stuff that's not from the gap." Mike said sitting beside Will's knees and lifting his foot up to pull on his socks
Will sat up pulling his knees up to his chest letting his arms drape around then

"I've never even seen you listen to Elton John, he doesn't seem like your style." Will said leaning against the headboard slightly

"You hardly know my 'style' anymore, Byers." Mike said letting his leg fall after putting the second sock on and then letting himself flop backwards "it's a new development.. I like AC/DC some too.. and Bronski Beat.." Will nodded slightly

"AC/DC is cool, I haven't listened to them much though." Will said with a shrugged "I haven't heard of Bronski Beat before.."

"My favorite song is by them! It's called Smalltown Boy." Mike said looking over at his with his arms crossed over his stomach and a smile on his face as Will smiled back softly and got up "your favorite song is still Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash, right?" Will chuckled slightly

"Yeah it is." Will said before getting up "hey is it alright if I borrow some clothes? Mine are all dirty right now." Will explained
Mike nodded almost forgetting Will had only brought two sets of clothes, one of which Will wanted to burn after wearing it so long.

"Yeah, you don't have to ask anymore, you've taken my clothes for the past ten years." Mike said sitting up still letting his legs hang over the side of the dark blue bed spread.

"True." Will said going over to the closet looking through the shirts.

Will grabbed a shirt and some sweatpants luckily he still had some of his own underwear.
Will was also lucky that Mike wore oversized clothes otherwise he wouldn't be able to move.

"Hey when you're done maybe we can watch a movie? I think I have Ghostbusters, Jaws and Star Wars in the basement." Mike explained, Will looked over with a soft smile seeing how excited he was.

"Yeah, that sounds good, I haven't seen Star Wars in years." Will said Mike offered him his goofy smile that made Will blush slightly looking away quickly "I'll see ya in a few."

"Yeah yeah um.. I'll meet ya downstairs, warning Holly likes to join in on movie night so we might have a friend." Mike said getting up Will chuckled slightly

"Got it." Will said turning around and smiling slightly, before going off to the bathroom.

Mike grabbed his big blue blanket from the bed before heading down to the basement.

Luckily for Mike, or unluckily, Holly was passed out on the living room couch, leaving just the two childhood friends.
Friends that had known each other longer than Holly had even been alive.

Mike got the crappy TV set up in front of the couch after throwing his blanket down.

Will walked down the steps, avoiding every creek due to learning where they were at such a young age.
He looked up smiling at Mike with messy hair and wearing his clothes with those green eyes cutting through his bangs.
Mike decided he appreciated this Will a lot.

"Got the movie set up?"

"Yup, all ready to go." Mike said flopping backwards onto the couch making Will chuckled before sitting beside him "I got popcorn too! And some Reese's Pieces."

"You hate Reese's Pieces." Will said sitting beside him and leaning back putting his feet up on the table.

"Yeah, but they're your favorite." Mike shyly said handing over the bag.
Will smiled softly opening it.

"Thanks.." Will muttered popping a few in his mouth

Mike was watching him slightly.
His best friend was wearing his Beatles band shirt and his dark gray sweatpants.

"Sorry it took a few minutes, Mom called just saying goodnight and stuff.."

"How are they?" Mike asked Will looked over with a curious look, though it makes sense for Mike to ask about his family.

"Oh, they're fine.. Mom and Hopper are working on the cabin while El has been trying to find a way to help Max.."

"I still can't believe we almost lost her.." Mike whispered pushing his hair back  Will nodded "I also can't believe Jim Hopper is still alive, I remember going to the funeral, everyone was crying."

"You were too." Will said with a pointed look "I was only tearing up cause my Mom and El were crying."

"Do not tell him I was crying." Mike said Will chuckled slightly

"When Max wakes up, can I tell her you cried that night?"

"Oh God no, she'll hold that over my head for the rest of time! She'll be holding it over my head when we're dead in some hellish afterlife!"

"You think you're going to hell?"

"I mean.. after everything I think we all are.. except maybe you and like Dustin or Lucas or something.." Mike explained Will shrugged

"I never took you as someone believing in that stuff.. you've always been so into science.."

"I never said I did or didn't.. I think, if there is a hell though, I'm probably gonna end up there." Mike said with a shrugged leaning back "and I think you'll end up in heaven.. you deserve it after everything.." Will looked at him and smiled softly

"You do too, you know.." Will whispered back "we all do.. I hope whatever happens when we die.. I get to stay with you.." Mike blushed slightly

"Me too.." Mike said in that voice he only used with Will.
Then he coughed.
"Um.. how about that movie huh? I'll start it." Mike said getting up to start it even though he had the remote in hand.
Will smiled softly at him watching him try to avoid getting too awkward.

When Mike sat back down leaning back
Will did something he didn't think he could ever attempt again if this went wrong.
He reached out taking Mike's hand causing the other to look at him before looking at the TV not looking at him again until the movie was over.
But also interlocking their fingers together holding on firmly.

They could talk about this in the morning. But for now, Will would take this as something.
He would let his delusions live for two hours until the movie ended.

They could talk about whatever this was.
In two hours.

Byler || One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon