Dark Curls & Watercolor Eyes

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3th POV || April 2nd, 1986

Mike's hair was spread across his white pillow case with the dark blue comforter tucked under his arms.
His left hand in a fist.
His right hand somewhere under his head.

A space heater in the corner that Mike brought up to his room from the basement after Will almost had a panic attack from being too cold, it sent him into that October-November week from only two years ago.

Will was hyperaware that staring at his best friend for so long was risky.
But he was just so nice to look at.
Even with the messy mane he called hair, and his eyes shut.
He was beautiful, to Will at least.

The room was dark due to it being long passed midnight.
Only a lamp in the corner remained at this point, though it was a cheap one Karen got at a yard sale for about two bucks.

His hair falling over his face whenever he moves slightly in his sleep.
His fist started to flatten and reach out his lips turning down onto a frown.
Then his eyes slowly opened making Will jump before looking away towards the wall.

"Will..?" Mike asked, with his voice coated in sleepiness, though it's not too rough.
His fingers tap Will's knee softly causing the older of the two to look over.
"What's wrong, Will?"

"Nothing.. nothing, sorry if I woke you up.." Will muttered back trying to cover his redden face, Mike sat up turning to sit across from him and reach out to move his hand.

"What's going on Will..?" Mike asked carefully, Will sighed letting his hands fall into his lap.

"I'm just, thinking, I guess.." Will whispered with a shrugged, pushing his already messy hair back.

"About.. about Vecna, and stuff..?" Mike asked almost trying to tiptoe around it, Will shook his head.

"No Mike.. I should be thinking of that, cause what I'm thinking about is so, so stupid.."

"What is it? It's not stupid if it's keeping you up.." Mike whispered back, taking his left hand in his own right one.
Will sighed, praying the room was dark enough to hide his blush, it wasn't.

"I um.. I like this person.. and I mean I really, really like them.. but it's scary, you know? Plus they're dating someone already, or was but um.. they're trying to fix it, I guess.. I don't know."

"Will.." Mike simply stated squeezing his hand softly before opening his mouth to speak again.
Then deciding not to.

Silence took over for about two minutes, which felt more like fifty years.

"They're a guy, Mike.. I'm gay.." Will whispered, immediately looking down and pulling his arms away to wrap them around himself, like he was giving himself a hug, or bracing for a punch.

"Will, look at me." Mike said in that voice only Will got to hear.
The one full of fondness, and was made because Will got so scared and anxious.
Yet, Will didn't budge.
"Will, please look at me.."
And he did, with tears shining on his cheeks as they rolled down to his chin.

"I'm sorry Mike.. I'm so sorry.." Will repeated over and over crying more.
Mike pulled him close into a hug, holding his head.

"Shh, shh, it's okay.. it's okay don't apologize so much.." Mike whispered holding him tightly "I don't care that you like guys, okay? To be honest, I think I already knew.. you're my best friend, no matter what.."

Will just cried into his shoulder holding onto his shirt like it was the only thing keeping him from floating away.

"Mike.." Will whispered, pulling away after a few minutes "I don't think you understand.." Mike reached up to wipe away a few tears.

"What don't I understand?" Mike asked letting his hand fall back to his lap

"It's not, some random boy in Lenora.. it's someone I've known for a, really long time.."

"Lucas? You did used to be extra nice to him, and you guys are pretty close, huh? That makes sense." Mike said Will snorted

"I did when we were like, six, not now." Will explained "now, he's like my brother.."

"Dustin?" Mike asked more confused

"Not Dustin.. I'm sorry Mike.." Will whispered the last part looking down.
Mike smiled softly pulling him into a hug, causing Will to let out a gasp of surprise.

"Don't apologize.." Mike whispered "I'm sorry I made you think you couldn't tell me.. I'm so sorry Will.." Mike whispered once again against Will's hair.

"Mike.." Will whispered, Mike pulled away still keeping his hands on Will's shoulders.

"Yeah? What's up?" Mike asked, with a soft smile, even though his shoulder was stoked and cheeks were starting to get wet as well.

"How.. do you feel about me.. liking you..?" Will asked carefully, Mike smiled softly.

"Let's get you calmed down first, okay? Then we'll talk." Mike said reaching out to wipe away his tears

"I need to know Mike, it'll put me at ease." Will said back letting his knee shake.
Mike put his hand on his knee.

"Well.. I like you every much William.." Mike said with a goofy smile "I love you Will." Will smiled back hugging him again.
Mike hugged back kissing his head.

"I love you too Mike.." Will muttered back against his shoulder making Mike smile and maybe blush.
Then Will pulled away.
"But I also haven't slept all night so.. can we maybe talk more in the morning?"

"Yeah, of course.." Mike said back before flopping back down into his place
Will chuckled slightly laying next to him

"Night Mike.." Will whispered hugging him, Mike smiled softly hugging back.

"Goodnight Will.."

And that's how their night ended.
Wrapped up in each other, with the small lamp lighting up a spot of the room.

And they were content to be together, for as long as they were allowed, cuddled up in a warm bed and under big fluffy blankets.
They were happy.

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