First Edition

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3th POV || July 8th, 1988

The sun was beating down on them as they walked down the sidewalk together
Mike wearing far too many dark colors for the temperature
He was absorbing the sun like a sponge

"How the hell do you survive Lenora in this temperature?" Mike asked wiping sweat from his forehead Will chuckled

"You're fine Mike, it's like 77° I think you'll live." Will said with a smile bumping his shoulder "It's probably around this temperature in Hawkins too."

"Then why does this feel so much hotter?" Mike asked pushing his hair back Will laughed softly kissing his cheek as they walked in
Mike ever so slightly flustered

Will waved to the owner who was behind the counter
She smiled waving back recognizing him from the times Will would come in to buy books for whatever school assignment there was that week

"Hi, who's your friend?"

"Hi Mrs. Nelson, this is my friend Mike, he's visiting for the summer and really likes books so, here we are." Will said with a smile Mrs. Nelson smiled back a knowing smile

"Well, it's nice to meet you young man."

"You too Mrs. Nelson." Mike said with a smile

"You two have fun and I'll be here waiting to ring you up." she said as nicely as the almost eighty year old woman could

Will waved as they walked off down an aisle
Mike led them to the fantasy part of the store having seen the sign when they walked in

Will looked around not having as much interest in the books as Mike did
Mike was looking at the books lining the shelves
Some were Stephen King, a few J.R.R. Tolkien and even C.S. Lewis

Then Mike saw it
He grabbed the book

"Will, do you know what this is?" Mike asked excitedly turning it around in his hands to look at it closer failing to show it to Will

"A book? There's a lot of those here.. we're in a bookstore.." Will said slightly confused watching the other boy who looked up quickly showing him

"First edition of The Hobbit!" Mike said looking back down at it Will laughed softly smiling at his boyfriend's excitement over the book

"Is it any different than the copy you already have?" Will asked folding his arms a book in one hand Mike looked back up

"Says the man with three copies of Jaws, shut up." Mike said holding the book and moving on down the aisle
Will chuckled following him

Mike had gotten his haul of books so big he bought a bag they were selling there so he could comfortably carry them out to Will's truck
Will had two books which was shameful next to Mike's stack

"Hi Mrs. Nelson!" Mike said happily putting the books down with the bag

"Whoa you didn't mess around, did you?" She asked with a chuckle starting to ring them up

"I may have a problem.." Mike said putting his hand on his neck as Will put his two down next to Mike's

"That's alright, I used to buy a lot books, hell that's why I started a book store." Mrs. Nelson said with a smile "are you interested in writing, or do you just like to read?"

"Yeah actually, um.. yeah I've been interested in writing since middle school." Mike said letting his hand fall "I write most of the stories for this game my friends and I play." she smiled

"That's nice.. it's nice to know that the younger generation still care about reading and writing even though those fancy Televisions are around now."
Mike smiled softly looking down slightly
Will smiled watching him
"What about you Will? What are you interested in?"

"Art stuff.. Mike and I are actually working on a comic book together." Will said bagging the books as she scanned them

"Oh that's fun, what's it about?"

"Some monsters coming into our world." Mike said pushing his hair back "and with Will's art it'll look really cool." Will blushed slightly looking down
Mrs. Nelson smiled

Soon the two said their byes to the woman
Will carried the bag for Mike -no matter how much Mike argued saying he could carry it-

Later that night
Mike was laying on Will's bed reading with the long forgotten air mattress beside the bed that they only kept up to keep Hopper unsuspecting of them sharing the bed

Will walked in closing the door behind himself shaking his damp hair before sitting next to him

"How's your book?" Will asked Mike just nodded with a smile on his face
Will kissed his cheek causing him to look up

"Hey." Mike said in that voice only Will got to hear

"Hey back at ya." Will said kissing his cheek again Mike kissed him softly which Will happily returned
Then they pulled away and Will looked over at some of the books

After about six books Will couldn't keep up with what Mike was throwing into the tiny basket

"Mike, should I know something?" Will asked picking up a children's book "am I gonna be a Dad?"

"You're such a dork." Mike said with a laugh bumping his shoulder making Will laugh too "it's for Holly, she wanted something from California before I came back and she's been getting into reading recently."

"That's sweet of you." Will said putting the book back

"I'm just a sweetheart aren't I?" Mike bragged Will laughed laying his head against Mike's shoulder

"I love you.. you know that right?" Will asked Mike smiled

"Yeah I know.. I love you too Will.."

"Good, cause you're stuck with me for a long, long time." Will said looking up at him

"Good." Mike stated with a simple smile making the two laugh together

They may be stupid, lovesick teenagers but at least they had each other
That's all that mattered to them
No matter how the future looked for them they always knew the other would be there

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