Your Honor

172 4 10

3th POV || August 23th, 1976

Joyce was trying to get her boys ready for school
One actually getting ready
The other scared to death of starting this thing he had no knowledge of
Scared of being alone

"Will, honey, you'll do great, just be yourself and I bet you'll have friends by the end of the day, okay? You'll do fine sweetie."
Bless Joyce for having the patience of an angel as she tried to comfort the preschooler

"You'll make plenty of friends, and if you need me you can ask your teacher and she'll bring you across the yard to me, okay?" Jonathan said Will nodded slightly Joyce mouthed a 'thank you' to the older of the two

"Alright kid, are you ready?" Joyce asked Will nodded putting his backpack on "okay let's go."

The three of them loaded up into the car and music started as the car started up
Some song by The Jackson 5

Once they got there Jonathan gave his brother a hug before going off to his school
Joyce walked Will inside

"Hi, you must be Will, right?" The lady asked
Long blonde-ish hair and wearing a long brown dress

"That's me.." Will said sadly Joyce gave her an apologetic smile

"He's a bit scared about his first day." Joyce explained she nodded and kneeled down to Will's level

"Well I'm Ms. Christine, and let me tell you a little secret.. it's everyone's first day and everyone is a little scared, it's alright." she said Will nodded slightly as she stood back up

"You'll do fine honey.. I'll be back in a couple hours to pick you up." Joyce said kissing his head softly before waving and leaving

Will wondered over to a table by himself and played with some action figure that he didn't recognize

Soon recess came and even though Will was happy sitting inside and drawing the teacher made everyone go outside
Will sat on an old swing in the corner that everyone seemed to forget about due to all the newer and cooler things

Will watched as all the kids ran around with each other
Everyone had a friend already besides him

A little boy walked up
Brown hair and brown eyes that looked wet and he was wearing a Big Bird shirt

"Hi.. do you wanna be my friend?" He asked Will smiled and nodded

"Yes!" Will said excitedly the other boy smiled sitting on the other swing

"I'm Mike Wheeler."

"I'm Will short for William Byers."

And that
That was the beginning of the end

Later they were inseparable even as they walked out to meet their Moms out front
They kept talking as the two Moms stood together

"Looks like our boys are getting along."

"Yeah I'm glad, Mike was so scared this morning."

"Will too.. I'm um, Joyce Byers."

"I'm Karen Wheeler, nice to meet you." she said shaking her hand
Both boys ran up
Joyce kneeled down

"Hi honey! How was your first day?" Joyce asked Will nodded still smiling

"I made a friend!" Will said excitedly "his name is Mike."

//July 29th, 1987\\

"You are so stupid Michael, seriously what the hell was that?!" Will yelled
Some kid from school made a few comments about Will so Mike cussed him out and had gotten into a fight earning a black eye in the process

Byler || One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz