Is It Over Now? (Now That We Don't Talk)

245 4 16

3th POV || May 12th, 1986

The two weren't on the greatest of terms, they could both admit that.
Mike was about 100% sure Will hated him with a burning passion, but Mike would deny that if ever asked such a question.

The house felt far too small for them even if they were all comfortable there.
Will and El were staying in Hawkins in the Wheeler's basement until Joyce, Hopper and Jonathan got everything moved into a new house up in California, still Lenora but the government knew about their old house now.

The two boys had barely held a conversation more meaningful than, "looks like it's going to rain." "we needed it." since Will and El temporarily moved in with them early April.

The sun was low now as the two siblings sat with the family of five at the table barely big enough for everyone, currently listening to Holly's tales of first grade drama making Will and Mike chuckle and ask questions to amuse her. El actually looked interested, never having had a school experience before high school.
Karen asked a few questions here and there while Ted listened simply eating.

Long after dinner and long after everyone should've at least been in bed, if not asleep,
Will did something he had never done.
He snuck out.

And Mike did something he did very often.
He followed him.

Mike had heard the front door open, he hadn't been a deep sleeper since 1983, and decided to follow the noise to see who was either sneaking out or sleep walking into the street.
When he saw Will sitting out in the grass towards the end of the yard alone with his knees up to his chest probably, cold and wet from the rain earlier that day still stoking the yard, Mike walked slowly and carefully as to not scare him off, as if he was approaching a wild animal.

When he finally got there he dropped down into the, very wet, grass beside him making Will jump slightly looking over at him and calming himself down almost immediately.

They didn't talk for awhile.
Will seemed more at ease just knowing somebody else was there, sitting under the big balls of fire hanging above them, the things that are just threatening to burn the world to ashes.
Sitting beside a tree Mike used say was their peace land after defeating the big bads in their fantasy games during the summer long into the nights as kids before the Upside-down took that all away from him.

Fog left their noses as they breathed into the far-too-cold and dense air.
Mike reaching out for his hand and giving it a squeeze trying to calm him down.
Their breathing in sync with one another's.
Mike let go, suddenly hyper aware of the fact he might have overstepped.

"I'm sorry I just.. left.." Will whispered, his voice so rough and quiet from the pain built up inside him and stuck somewhere he can't reach.

"Hey don't apologize.. it's alright.." Mike said back, keeping his voice soft in, what everyone else called, the 'Will voice'.
The voice reserved just for him.

"I just.. I had a nightmare, I guess.. well no, I didn't have a nightmare, I was fully awake, I just started, over thinking, I guess.."

"About what?"

"Mike.. I can't just say it.." Will said, lowering his voice, looking down at the grass absentmindedly picking at it.
Mike watched him carefully.

"Will.. is it over now? Like.. now that we don't talk?" Mike asked carefully, making Will look up with a confused look on his face.

"Is what over?"

"Us?" Mike asked causing Will to raise an eyebrow as Mike blushed "us being a team, friends.. best friends.. I mean.. is that just over now..?" Mike asked carefully, Will sighed.

"You didn't show any interest in talking to me for a year, Mike.." Will said, earning a hurtful look from Mike.

"Bullshit! I called every fucking day, I just figured you were tired of me.." Mike said looking at him with tears starting in his eyes "I tried so fucking hard to call, so next time you want to talk maybe you should reach out cause I'm done crying myself to sleep over the fact my best friend hates me." Mike said quickly, with more so sadness behind him voice rather than anger as the tears slipped and he got up to leave.
Will got up too.


"Leave me alone Will, I don't wanna hear whatever bullshit excuse you have for not answering one fucking call but blaming me for our friendship being dead." Mike said, Will grabbed his arm before he could run away.

"My Mom got a job as a telemarketer.. I would've answered your call if I knew and I would've written you back if you sent letters.." Will said, Mike sighed looking at him.



"Will can I um.. can I kiss you..?" Mike asked carefully, Will smiled softly after the shock wore off and nodded back.

Mike put his hand on Will's shoulder before leaning in.
Will put his hand on Mike's cheek, kissing him which Mike gladly returned.
It's messy and awkward but Mike finally understands what people mean when they say the first kiss feels like fireworks.
It feels like their worlds will never be the same; like this just makes sense.

When they finally pull away, after no more than a few seconds, they're both tearing up with smiles plastered on their faces like they could never fall.

"Whoa, I um.." Mike whispered, Will chuckles slightly before hugging him.
Mike hugged back tightly, burying his face in Will's hair taking a deep breath.

They eventually make their ways back inside up to Mike's room purely to talk about whatever, that, was outside and try to figure out their next course of action.

The next morning at breakfast, Nancy notices that Mike is suddenly eating left handed since his right hand is too occupied holding Will's hand, not-so-secretly, under the table.
Nobody else noticed and Nancy didn't plan to mention it in front of the others, but did plan to corner her little brother at some point that night to at least ask if she was right, and possibly threatened him if he ever hurts Will.

And the two boys happily ate their eggs. Mike pouring syrup in his and Will acting disgusted, though he put some on his own plate to dip his eggs in.

Nancy smiled at them, shaking her head before going back to her plate and taking bites of her own, unsyrupped, eggs.

When Nancy did finally corner Mike out in the garage, he looked so giddy talking about Will that she couldn't hold back the smile that appeared on her own face listening to how in love her little brother sounded.
She hugged him and told him she was happy for them both.

They acted like nothing ever happened once they got back inside.
But Nancy noticed Mike and Will being less secretive around her when nobody else was around, so she's thankful they feel comfortable being around her.

They're thankful they can be themselves around anyone other than the wind and Mike's pillows.

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