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3th POV || July 7th, 1988

Will was scared of himself
Music was playing on the radio as Will sat in by his bed as Freddie Mercury's vocals filled the empty air

It was late at night and he had woken up at about three at night.. so it was actually early morning..
Is it really morning if the darkness still filled your bedroom?
If sleepiness still filled your head?

Will was just trying to stay up
Trying to district himself
He just wanted to stay away from his thoughts
He didn't want that to cover his whole being

But they were
They wouldn't and couldn't leave him alone
They clouded up his head like a bad drug or alcohol that had been out for too long

But it wasn't
They were simply his thoughts even in California they tournament him not just in Hawkins
He could get away from the monsters but never his thoughts

There was a knock on his door that made him jump like a rabbit in a garden

"Will, its just me, it's Mike."

Of course it was Michael freaking Wheeler he always knew when something was wrong and with him visiting for the summer he for sure knew
He could probably hear the guitar riffs bouncing off the walls of the room even from the living room
Hopper refused to let them stay in the same room together after they told Will's family that they were dating..

Will got up quickly opening the door

"Hey, what's wrong?" Mike asked Will sighed softly hugging him tightly
Mike hugged back holding onto his shirt

"Too many thoughts.."

They pulled away from each other
Mike stepped in shutting the door behind him turning on the ceiling lights and turning the radio down

"I'm not leaving, okay?" Mike said Will nodded slightly Mike took his hand guiding him to the bed and they sat at the end together
Mike never letting go of his hand

"I feel pathetic.." Will whispered covering his face with the other hand not occupied by Mike's hand

"You're not pathetic.. you're human.. a human that's been through hell.." Mike said Will laid his head on shoulder "I'm not leaving.."


"At least believe me on that.." Mike whispered kissing his head softly

"Okay.." Will whispered his voice shaking

They just sat there in silence for awhile
Only the lyrics to When It's Love screaming quietly through out the room

This was all Will needed
He didn't want to be alone and he was still on edge but he felt better with someone next to him

Soon Will got up and turned off the light then laid down

"Want me on the floor, next to you or living room?"

"Here please.." Will whispered Mike nodded laying down next to him
Will reached out grabbing his hand tightly

The only light currently was the moonlight from outside the window reflecting off the safe in Will's room on top of the dresser

He felt like deadly nightshade
Nice to look like but deadly if you get too close to him
He felt deadly to anyone close to him
But Mike was willing to die to stay close to him
If he were to die he wanted it to be by deadly nightshade if that was Will

Mike would happily take the blurred vision like he was drunk off love
He would take the reddest of rashes like it was blush covering his cheeks
He would take the headaches and the slurred speech like alcohol caused it
He would take the hallucinations like a bad drug trip
Mike would take the eventual death as long as he could stay with him
As long as Will was the deadly nightshade Mike would happily get killed by it

"Goodnight, Mike.."

"Goodnight, babe.." Mike whispered pulling him into a hug

The next morning
Will was already up just sitting there leaning against the headboard drawing in his fancy notebook that Jonathan had given him for his birthday that year

Will was drawing Mike
Of course he was he did so often it was like habit

Vienna playing softly on the radio
The only sounds beside Billy Joel's vocals were the sounds of pencils sketching and Mike's snores beside him on the bed

Mike had never been a morning person and he accepted that part of himself so did his friends and Will as they had all started planning stuff after eleven in the morning to give him time to wake up at nine and get ready

"Will..?" Mike asked/whispered looking up at him
Will smiled softly looking down at him

"Hey, good morning sleepy head."

"What time is it?" Mike asked sitting up slightly

"About, fifteen past eight."

"Shit, I'm up too early.." Mike whispered Will laughed slightly looking back at his notebook

"What're you drawing?"

"What do you think?"

"Aw little ol' me?" Mike asked Will laughed softly leaning over to kiss his cheek Mike smiled back "I love you."

"I love you too.." Will said closing his book "Mom should be knocking in, about, twenty minutes.."

"What do you wanna do?"

"We could make out?" Will said with a shrugged Mike laughed getting up and turning up the radio

"Or you can get over here and dance with me..?" Mike said with a smile Will laughed softly getting up and going over

"I can't dance, Mike.."

"I really don't care if you can dance or not. I can't either. " Mike said softly taking his hands Will laughed holding on as the danced
They danced like idiots but they were laughing

Crazy Little Thing Called Love screaming behind them as they spun around and kissed and sung along

After the song they fell back onto to the bed laughing
Will rolled over slightly watching him with a smile
Mike looked over at him and smiled

They started laughing at each other
Mike hugged him closely
Will hugged back holding onto his shirt

For now Will didn't feel deadly
Mike experienced the symptoms but for now the rash was simply a blush
The blurred vision was more of a drunk off love than a poisoning
The hallucinations were of hearts not of danger
And he would take all the symptoms happily and Will would happily stay by him

They were okay finally
Finally they could breathe and just lay in each other's warmth instead of running from the monsters that haunt their nightmares

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