ᴏɴᴇ ᴛʀᴀᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴡᴏ ʟɪᴠᴇꜱ

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My eyes widened at the sound of Eki voice. Kono laughed a little. 

''まあ、まあ、まあ、このあたりで小さなイタチが歩き回っているのを聞いたような気がしました。'' Kono's laugh sliced through the air.

( Tran: Well, well, well, I thought I heard a little weasel roaming around here.)

Eki eyes glistened from the shadows, as he walked out of the shadows. He was like the complete opposite of Ike. Eki had narrow dagger for eyes, his face seemed a lot more papery white, and his hair instead of leading to blue, it was to a blood red.

His hand was outstretched and he was holding a dagger of some sort. This was the first time that I was ever seeing seeing my other self in person. Always when Eki took control I never remembered what he looked like, or what he did when he was in control. 

And I really don't really know what Eki is or where he came from, just one day a little voice appeared in my head and he took the name Eki. 

'' 明らかに私のものを誰かが奪うことに私は感謝しません。'' Eki spat at Kono.

( Tran: I don't appreciate someone taking something that is obviously mine.)

Kono giggled and looked at him with a smile. Eki's face was cold and his eyes barely glinted with life, it felt like I was looking at a vampire. 

'' 「あなたのは何?」 なんだこの1705、いや、彼を持っているからといって彼を所有しているわけではない。 私は彼をあなたから引き離し、そして私たちは取引をしました。'' Kono chuckled, Eki was nice and personal to him. Kono jumped back and had a smile.

( Tran: 'What's yours'? What is this 1705, no, just because you have him doesn't mean you own him. I took him away from you, and we made a deal.)

Eki was in front of me, like he was shielding me in a way. He held out his dagger to Kono. 

'' あなたは彼の優しさを利用したのは、彼が同情を感じたからです。私は \\\\ かもしれませんが、私はあなたのような思慮のない生き物ではありません。'' Eki's uttered to him. A part of his sentenced sounded like television static.

( Tran: You used his kindness because he felt sympathy, I may be a \\\\ but I'm not a mindless creature such as you.)

Kono grinned and snapped his fingers. Eki got flung up into the air, all he did was gasp. Then, two chains came to Eki's arms and bring him down to the 'ground' with a loud crash. 

'' Eki!'' I shouted, feeling the tentacle's squeeze around my body parts. Eki grunted and Kono grabbed his face, and he had a wide smile. 

'' あなたは私を過小評価しています、エキ。 これらの鎖が機能している理由は、私が徐々にアイクの魔法をすべて消費しており、すぐに止められなくなるからです。 そして、あなたは、まあ、あなたが何であるかを知っているので、たわごとをすることはできません。'' Kono chuckled. Eki's eyes narrowed even more. 

( Tran: You underestimate me, Eki. The reason why these chains are working, is because I am slowly consuming all of Ike's magic and soon I'll be unstoppable. And you can't do shit, because you, well, you know what you are.)

Kono released Eki, and walked to me. Eki was about to speak but something came around his mouth so he couldn't speak. I was struggling against the tentacles, and he rubbed his hands over my face. 

'' あなたがただ味方していたら、これは違っていたかもしれません、私たち二人は止められないでしょう!'' Kono told me, I had a displeased face. Kono went close to my face. '' その言葉を言うだけで、これらの触手は消え、エキは自由になることができます。'' Kono informed me, I spat in his face ( again).

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