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Vox was sitting outside watching the lake ripple. He felt a very soft presence walking up the path. Weaver's cat nuzzled Vox's face. Vox placed a small peck on her head. 

Shu and Luca saw Vox sitting on the bridge looking out onto the lake. Shu ordered Luca to stay close. Shu and Luca walked to Vox. Vox raised his head and smiled at Shu. 

'' こんにちは、シュウ、また会えて嬉しいです。'' Vox waved at them both. Shu stood in front of Vox and shallowed the knot in his throat.

( Tran: Hello, Shu it's good to see you again.)

'' アイクはどこですか?'' Shu asked, with a serious stare. 

( Tran: Where's Ike?)

Vox pointed to the Weaver's Hut. 

'' 彼は安全です、何も悪いことは起こっていません。'' Vox explained, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. 

( Tran: He's safe, nothing bad has happened.)

Weaver's scream came from the hut. Vox closed his eyes and mouth turned into a line. Luca and Shu glanced at Vox. 

'' 私は...嘘をついたかもしれない。'' Vox whispered, Shu bolted to the Weaver's hut Luca following close behind. 

( Tran: I...may have lied.)

Shu opened the door and saw Weaver being choked out by what looked like the old 'Master of the Western Sea' and Ike. He raised his head and his eyes were heterochromia (white and green), and his skin had blue splotches across his body. 

'' 河野、何、何してるの?'' Shu asked his voice trembling. Kono laughed, and squeezed the Weaver's neck more. She let out a a wheezy scream.  

( Tran: Kono, what, what are you doing?)

'' 私は何をやっている? シュウ、それは愚かな質問です、私は皆が望むように悪役をしています。 あなただって私を悪役にしてほしかったのですから、どういたしまして。'' Kono threw Weaver to Shu. Shu caught her and stumbled out the door. Luca aided them. 

( Tran: What am I doing? Shu, that is a stupid question, I'm being the villain just like everyone wanted. Even you wanted me to turn into the villain, so you're welcome.)

Vox cursed underneath his breath, and unsheathed his sword. The katana got blown off his hand, Vox yelped and pulled his hand back. 

Kono had hold off the katana and inspected it. 

'' へー、この小さな小さな刀でどれだけの命が失われたのか、私には想像することさえできません。 この刃で死ぬのはあなたが最後になると思います。'' Kono smirked, his eyes reflecting on the blade. 

( Tran: Heh, I can't even imagine how many lives has been lost to this petty, little katana. Guess you're going to be the last to ever die by this blade.)

Vox was confused but Kono moved so quick that Vox was only able to block him. Kono slashed Vox's chest. Vox grinned and grabbed Kono by the collar.  Kono pierced Vox's chest, Vox pushed Kono back. 

Shu kept Luca and Weaver back. 

'' 頑張れ河野、私はそう簡単には死なないよ。'' Vox wiped the blood escaping his mouth. 

( Tran: Nice try, Kono, I won't die that easily.)

Kono grinned and then drove the katana right into his chest. Luca and Shu shouted out, Vox was stunned. Kono laughed a little. 

A Sacrifice | Ike x VoxWhere stories live. Discover now