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Shu was able to transport them all to a hidden hut in the Wither lands. 

Shu took in a breather and Mysta was trembling on the floor. The Weaver was holding onto Luca's limp body. Shu stumbled over to her and asked with a shaking voice. 

'' 彼を助けてもらえますか?'' Shu asked, the Weaver. 

( Tran: Can you help him?)

The Weaver hung her head down and bite her inner-cheek. Shu breath shuddered and grabbed onto Weaver's hands. 

'' ウィーバー、正直に言ってください。 彼を助けてもらえますか?'' Shu asked with a slight plea in his voice. The Weaver lifted her head and glanced down towards Luca, then back at Shu. 

( Tran:  Weaver, be honest with me. Can you help him?)

'' 河野はすでに小屋とその中にあるものすべてを破壊し始めています。 あなたが人間の部分を余らせない限り、私は彼を救うことはできません。 さらに、ヴォックスの剣は犠牲者を数秒で殺し、内臓を焼き尽くします。 もし私が試みたとしても彼を救うことは決してできなかったでしょう。'' The Weaver admitted, placing her palm over Luca's eyes. '' 神々だけが今、ルカの運命を選んでください。'' The Weaver whispered, softly. 

( Tran: Kono, has already began to destroy the hut and everything inside. I can not save him, unless you have spare human parts. Plus, Vox's sword kills his victims in seconds and burns his organs. I could have never saved him if I tried. Only the gods, choose Luca's fate now.)

'' This is all my fault,'' Mysta whispered, him on all fours and his limbs shaking. Shu went to Mysta and tried to aid him. 

'' No, Mysta this wasn't your fault,'' Shu reached out for Mysta. Mysta slapped his hand away, Shu was surprised. 

'' No, this is! If I never asked Ike to come he would have never died, be reborn, and turned into a monster. And Luca wouldn't have died, this is all of my fault!'' Mysta held his face in his palms. Shu reached out for Mysta, but Mysta stood up and pressed his forehead against the wall. 

'' I didn't deserve them. I was a horrible friend always asking favors, never once asking how they were. I thought Ike was fine throughout this entire investigation, but when I read the scriptures. Do you want to know what I found out about that creature, who murdered Ike that day?'' Mysta laughed, while sobbing. Shu lifted his head to Mysta. '' That creature was a 'negative aura yokai' or a ' 『ソウルイーター』, a demon that feeds off people's souls who have undergone the thought of disappearing or never existing at all. And those yokai mostly use those people for sacrifices,'' Mysta sniffled.

Shu took in a shuddered breath. Mysta laughed then those laughs bled into sobbing into his arms. The Weaver sighed in deep despair. 

'' That thought never crossed my mind, that Ike was hurting. And now, he's letting that demon take over him it's eating him up more. It's going to kill him, not the body but the person that he is. It's pathetic honestly, I can't even lay scratch on him,'' Mysta explained, more tears falling from his eyes. 

Shu held out his hands to calm him down. 

'' Mysta,'' Shu said in a hushed voice. Mysta walked over to the entrance of the hut and leaned his side to the door. Shu decided not to speak to Mysta for the time being. 

'' シュウ、地元の店に行って聞いてみると、店の中に臓器や血が落ちているかもしれない。 私が「キツネ少年」とその小さな友達を維持します、いいですか?'' The Weaver asked Shu and held Shu's shoulder.

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