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Mysta walked down in front of Luca holding the torch. Luca walked behind and whispered to Mysta.

''So, about this spirit that's here, does Shu have any idea what kind it is?'' Luca asked Mysta, pushing back his hair. Mysta felt hot and sticky in the closed in staircase. 

''No, he says it feels familiar of some sort, but there's another entity here that doesn't like me, you and Shu,'' Mysta explained, trying not to speed up his breathing. Mysta slipped and he fell forward for a moment.

His vision flashed to where he saw Ike running toward him, with tears in his eyes, mouth open, and arm stretched out. Luca grabbed Mysta's back collar and pulled him back to his chest. The flashlight fell down the couple of steps, but wasn't engulphed by darkness, it fell to the main floor about three steps down.

Luca and Mysta stood for a moment both of them pressing against each other, they both met eyes, then Mysta coughed and started to walk the rest of the steps.

Mysta picked up the torch once more and felt a wet substance on the torch. Mysta inspected his hand and saw red blood on his hands. Luca made it down the steps and saw Mysta's face paled. Luca went over to Mysta and heard something move. 

Luca quicker than the creature, pulled his gun from his hilt, steadied his arm, and shot the gun. Screeches filled the room, Luca continued to shoot at the creature once more. Mysta ducked his head making sure no bullets get into his body. The creature tackled Luca to the floor, then jumped at Mysta. Mysta ducked and rolled over toward Luca.

Luca sat up and saw the creature disappear into darkness, leaving behind laughter. Mysta pushed up his hat exposing a little Mystakes. He picked it off his head and whispered to it. 

''Try to find Ike to the left, when you do come back to me and lead us, okay?'' Mysta ordered the little Mystakes, it nodded. Mysta let it down and it scurried off. Mysta heard the creature screech from the right. Luca loaded his gun and stood in front of the doorway to the right. 

''Go find, Ike, I got this son of bitch,'' Luca chuckled a little. 

''No, we should stick together, plus you don't have a light,'' Mysta protested, Luca laughed a little and looked at Mysta.

''That's the fun of it,'' Luca chuckled, then walked into the darkness. Mysta tried to protest again, but then he heard Ike's scream. Mysta looked between following Luca or saving his childhood bestfriend. 

Mysta groaned and walked away from Luca and darted down the hallway to find Ike.

''IKE!'' Mysta shouted, as he darted down the hallway.

I lifted my head to the sound of someone's voice, after the gunshots. It sounded like Mysta.

''Mysta?'' I whimpered. A little Mystake ran from the darkness, I sighed in relief. 

''Oh my god, thank the lord,'' I whispered to myself. The Mystake squeezed itself through the bars and ran over to me. I picked them up and hugged them. 

''Thank you, I'm glad you came,'' I whimpered a little, with a smile. 

I saw Mysta run into the room and press himself to the bars.

''Ike, you're okay!'' Mysta yelled in relief. I was about to say the same thing, but something started to scurry down the hallway. It wasn't the original creature; it was smaller looked more like a spider. But its body opened, to show a mouth with jagged teeth, a very long tongue, and a bunch a saliva.

''MYSTA, BEHIND YOU!'' I screamed, as the thing launched itself at Mysta. Mysta turned around and the creature latched onto his face. He screamed and clawed at the creature.

Mystake growled and became a true fox and wiggled its way out of the cage. I pressed my body against the bars. Mysta fell backwards trying to pry the creature away from his face, Mystake started to pry it away.

Mystake was able to pry it off and threw it to the side. The creature groveled on its back, then tried to reach for Mysta again, but it was tackled by Mystake.

Mystake started to tussle it like it was a dog toy, it was in the Mystake's mouth, they threw it up, and caught it by shallowing it.

''Good job,'' Mysta said breathlessly, got up over to me. Mysta's face was covered in scars, just like his......doppelganger.

No... that future will not happen!

Mysta pulled out a tiny hairpin and started to pick the lock. I forgot he took those classes when he was younger. He was able to get it unlocked, took off the chain and opened the door. I staggered over to him and gave him a hug.

Me and him embraced for a moment, then I pulled away and inspected his face.

''Are you okay, are you bleeding badly, will these become infected?'' I asked with trembling lips. Mysta shooed my hands away and spoke. 

''I'm okay, we'll worry about these little scars, let's just go get Luca and get the hell out of here,'' Mysta reassured me. I heard Lucas scream from down the hallway. Me and Mysta stiffened up, and we both paled a little.

''Please tell me, you didn't leave him alone, by himself?'' I asked with shaking limbs, Mysta hesitated for a moment.

''He had a gun, and he said he would be fine,'' Mysta shook as well. Then, the sound of the creature disappeared for a moment.

''That's not good,'' I whispered, as I backed up. Mysta followed my action. We backed up into something, it felt like a very tall person. I squealed a little in fear, Mysta trembled.

''Mysta, please don't look behind us,'' I warned, Mysta. Mysta grabbed my wrist and darted off. We only made it a few steps, then the thing grabbed onto my waist. I screamed again, as I got lifted up. I looked behind myself and saw another creature.

Where the hell was all these creatures coming from?

The creature was black and had long arms. It had a white face, it reminded me of the spirit from Spirited Away. I heard Mysta struggling against the other creature. That one was a frog spirit.

''覚えておいてください、あの人を傷つけないでください。彼が生きている必要があります。'' The frog told the other spirit. The other spirit nodded and opened its mouth.

(Tran: Remember, don't hurt that person. He must be alive.)


I flailed trying to get away from this thing. Mysta protested but got knocked out by the Frog.  The other spirit let me go and I fell into his mouth. I screamed and fell to his stomach, I tried to see but it was too dark.

I looked up and saw the light disappearing, then darkness took over my vision.

What the hell...did.... we...get into? 

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