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The Weaver was hesitant but sighed.

''彼を試してみることはできるかもしれないが、もしうまくいかなかったら、あなたの責任だ。'' The Weaver pressed her index finger to Vox's chest.

(Tran: I guess we could try him, but if it goes wrong you are to blame.)

''もちろん、結果は理解しています、ウィーバー,'' Vox nodded, taking the bottle from the Weaver. ''ただ仕事をしてください、そうすれば私は側に立っています。''.

(Tran: I understand the consequences, Weaver. Just do your work, and I'll stand to the side.)

The Weaver nodded then went to work. She walked over to human body parts. She scanned through the bones, organs, and vocal tonsils. She grabbed a couple of jars, boxes and cases. She sat them down near the table where Ike laid.

The Weaver looked up at Vox and then back at Ike.

''このプロセスを目撃してもよろしいですか?'' The Weaver asked, just before she started.

(Tran: Are you sure you want to witness this process?)

Vox nodded, so the Weaver sighed, then started to slip off her kimono. She exposed her upper breast, and her back was completely covered with holes. What came out was spider legs, black spider legs.

The Weaver started to get to work. Her other appendages, widening and taking out some parts to his body. Weaver's main hands were placing the organs and bones back into where they ripped out.  

Her appendages were sewing it back up. They were stitching the body back up with silk strings, so they didn't leave any stitches behind. 

The Weaver sighed and walked to the blood area, and scanned through it. Vox walked to Ike's side. Ike looked more alive all he needed was the blood and the spirit. Vox stroked his face, and brushed his hair out of his face. Vox picked up Ike's glasses .

They were completely broken. Vox looked past him and held onto the glasses.

The Weaver came back.

''コノを解放し、血より先にアイクの魂を修復する必要がある。'' The Weaver explained to Vox, setting down a huge barrel of blood with a pump.

(Tran: We'll need to set Kono free and mend with Ike's soul before the blood.

Vox nodded, and looked at the spirit. The spirit turned to Vox. He slipped out the soul of Ike, and stared at Kono.

''あなたは彼の魂を破壊します、私はあなたを地球の表面と霊の領域から消し去ってあげます。'' Vox threatened staring directly at Kono.

(Tran: You destroy his soul, I'll erase you from the face of the earth and the spirit realm.)

Kono seemed to understand. Vox sat the bottle on the table and the soul as well. Kono crawled out and started crawling to Ike's soul. Vox had his hand on the hilt of his katana, and the Weaver had silk in her hands. 

Kono had a hold of Ike's soul then a bright light came from it, Vox protected his eyes. The Weaver gasped a little. Vox raised his eyes up and Kono was gone and Ike's soul was a royal blue color.

Vox walked over and picked up Ike's soul. It was even warmer, but not enough to burn Vox's hands. 

'' あとは、彼の体に挿入するだけです。その部分については想像力を働かせてください。'' The Weaver turned her back to him for privacy.

(Tran:  Now, all we need to do is insert it into his body, use your imagination for that part.)

Vox turned to Ike, then looked at the soul. Vox sighed and placed the soul into his mouth. He pulled back his hair, then kissed Ike. Vox pinned Ike's hand down just encase he tries to choke Vox.

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