ꜱᴜɴʀɪꜱᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴜɴꜱᴇᴛꜱ

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I gasped awake to see I was in a dark space. I saw Nakashima Kono who I originally saw before waking to Vox. He had his head lowered and he seemed he was meditating . I stood up and walked over to him, he raised his head and looked at me with his white eyes. 

He brushed his hair to the side while I came closer. 

'' Where are we?'' I asked him, he grabbed me and pulled me into his lap. I shouted and my face felt warm. 

'' 心配しないでください、私たちはただ終わりのない空の空間にいるだけです。'' Nakashima explained to me.

( Tran: Do not fret, we are just in the never ending space of emptiness.)

'' うつ病が現れるとは思ってもいませんでした。'' I scoffed bluntly, looking out into the emptiness.

( Tran: Never thought depression could be manifested.)

Nakashima laughed a little and pressed his hand to my face. My face felt warm underneath his cold touch.

'' そのデーモンを信頼しますか?'' Nakashima asked me. 

( Tran: Do you trust that daemon?)

I thought for a moment, I felt like I knew him from a long time but that was impossible. I mean nothing's impossible now, because I was brought back from death.

'' ずっと前に私が犯したのと同じ間違いをしないでください。'' Nakashima warned me.

( Tran: Do not make the same mistake I did so long ago.)

I glanced at Nakashima's face. 

'' 二人の間に何が起こったのですか?'' I asked Nakashima.

( Tran: What happened between you two?)

Nakashima looked off into the distance and started to speak:

'' ヴォックスは人間界の偉大な指導者であるだけでなく、魔界においても素晴らしい指導者でした。'' Nakashima started. '' 私は彼の指揮官の一人でしたが、彼は常に私たちと相手を警戒させておく勤勉なリーダーでした。 その賞賛はすぐに夢中に変わり、それは道徳的に不適切でしたが、私はそのことを誰にも言いませんでした。'' Nakashima looked down towards the floor, like he was ashamed.

( Tran: Vox, wasn't only a great leader among the human world, he also was a superb leader in the demon realm. I was one of his commanding officers, he was a diligent leader always keeping us and the opponent on their toes. That praise soon turned into infatuation, which was morally inappropriate, but I did not tell a soul about it.)

I looked up at Nakashima, with his eyes daring not to look into Ike's.

'' 私は Vox から遠ざかろうとしましたが、好奇心が強くなり、深く性的な関係に迷い込んでしまいました。 そんなことは絶対に起きてほしくなかったが、正直どうすることもできず、屈服した。彼のような二面性のある男に屈服するなんて、私は愚かだった。'' Nakashima lastly cured Vox's name. '' その後すぐに、地下世界は戦いに突入しましたが、この戦いは地上世界が決して見たくないものでした。 戦争は日の出から日の入りまで続き、決して終わることがないようです。 ヴォックスは戦争のせいで恐怖を感じて逃亡し、私たちの国民を死なせ、永遠に閉じ込められたままにしました。'' Nakashima shook his head remembering that long ago. 

( Tran: I attempted to keep away from Vox, but I got curious and wandered into a deep and sexual relationship. I never wanted that to ever happen, but I frankly couldn't help myself, so I gave in. I was an idiot to give into to a damn two-faced such as him. Soon after, the underworld went into a battle, a battle that this surface world hopes to never see. A war that goes on from sunrises and sunsets and it never seems to cease. Vox ran away in terror because of the war and left our people to die and be locked away, forever.)

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