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(Wake to the smell of blood.)


(Wake to the sound of suffering.)


(Bite your tongue, and watch yourself bleed out.)


(La, la, la, la.)


(Bite your tongue, and watch you bleed out.)

Vox woke up from the smell of morning dew. Vox's back was pressed against the Tree of Souls. He had the corpse on his lap, and perfectly intact. The little fluff friends were cuddling up to Vox for warmth.

Vox smiled slightly, and held the soul of the novelist. Vox touched the clothed face gingerly.

''おはよう、少し失われた魂。'' Vox said kindly to the corpse.

(Tran: Good morning, little lost soul.)

Vox felt the soul, became warmer in his hands. Vox smiled and placed the soul back into his kimono. Vox stood and the little fluff friends woke up.

''さぁ出発だ、かわい子ちゃん。'' Vox chuckled as they started to grasp what was happening.

(Tran; Time to get going, little cuties.)

Vox lifted the corpse off the ground, and sighed. Time for a slight adventure. Vox started to walk.

He walked what seemed like days, but it was only 2 hours until he walked into a small forgotten town in the middle of nowhere. Nobody seemed to be occupying the streets only members of a gang. Vox had no intention of interacting with them, but he didn't want to take the long way around.

So he just decided to keep walking. The gang members talked to him trying to scare him off. Vox had a hood one to conceal himself. So he looked like some type of spiritual guardian of the novelists body.

''もう一歩オヤジ、喉を切り裂いてやる!'' The youngest gang member threatened, swinging a knife already.

(Tran: Take another step old man, we'll slit your throat open!)

Vox sighs.

''男は脅されずに通りを歩くことはできないのですか?'' Vox asked astonished. 

(Tran: Can't a man simply walk through the street, without being threatened?)

''なんて時代は変わってしまったのだろう、わずかな時間で、あなたのような者は私たちを地獄へと導くのだろうか?'' Vox shook his head, but smiled at the thought of those gang members even surviving one day in hell.

(Tran: Oh how the times have changed, in just a short amount of time, where will people like you be lead us to hell?)

The gang members were infuriated by that comment, that the leader got up from his motorcycle. He pulled out a swiss army knife. Vox was silent, then laughed mockingly at the leader.

The leader had a pissed look in his eye.

''あなたはそれを刃と呼びますか? '' Vox asked with a sneer, he sat the body of Ike down. ''刀を見せます。'' Vox said reaching down for his hilt. 

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