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Luca lifted his head up, and saw Mysta was still awake. He smoking and glancing through old scriptures. Mysta, Luca, and Shu were at an hotel to try to find somethings about where the Oni would take Ike's body.

Luca got up from his bed, and sat next to Mysta.

''Mysta, how long have you been awake?'' Luca asked, with a concerned tone. Mysta took out his cigarette and blew out smoke. 

''I've been up for 72 hours, and 30 minutes, I'm not sleeping a wink until we find a lead,'' Mysta grumbled, pushing the cigarette out in the ashtray. Shu gasped, and jumped a little.

Luca and Mysta looked toward him.

''He made it past the external barrier, I felt it,'' Shu whispered to himself. Luca and Mysta looked at each other confused. Shu stood up from the chair out on the balcony. 

''The mana seemed delayed, so it must've been a day since he entered the spirit realm,'' Shu started murmuring to himself, then searched for paper and a pencil. Luca got up, and walked to Shu.

''Shu what are you talking about?'' Luca asked confused. Shu found paper and a pencil, than sat on the bed and started sketching from memory. Mysta stood up from his chair, and walked over to Shu.

Shu was drawing two yorishiro trees, right in the middle was a torii overgrown with flowers. Luca blinked in surprise. Shu placed the pencil down and whispered to himself again.

''This gate has never been open, and it leads into 嘆きの魂の森, Vox knows what's he doing,'' Shu started to bite his nails a little.

(Tran: The Forest of Crying Souls)

Luca looked at the picture. 

''How did you get it so perfect?'' Luca asked, Shu lifted his head up and grinned a little.

''So where's that at?'' Mysta asked impatiently. Shu sighed and thought for a moment.

''It's no near the water that means it's passed the Kinko Village,'' Shu stated, looking up at Luca.

''That's a very big lead,'' Mysta whispered to himself. ''We need to get going,'' Mysta said, grabbing his coat.

''No, you're not going anywhere, Mysta,'' Shu told Mysta. Mysta turned his head in surprise.

''The hell you talkin' about?'' Mysta asked sounding a bit deranged. 

''Me and Luca discussed it, when you were in the bathroom for you not to come with because of the state of mind your in,'' Shu explained, Luca nodding. Mysta laughed dryly.

''You're joking right, please tell me you're joking,'' Mysta laughed more. Luca sighed and walked toward him, while Shu walked over to his bag.

''It's okay Mysta we'll find out what Vox did to Ike,'' Luca reassured Mysta. Mysta pushed him away.

''Are you fucking kidding me, I am not a kid, and I will not let you shield me and try to treat me like a child, that dog just died. I have seen murder, and I have solved murder. I found out the one we were originally here for, now it's time for me to find the fucker who took my childhood best friend away from me!'' Mysta shouted, shaking a little. 

Shu crushed a mix of something, as Luca calmed Mysta down (the best that he can).

''Shu said that the body parts didn't bring him back, it was the incantation, it wasn't the sacrifice,'' Luca tried explaining to Mysta.

''Oh, so he's just an sacrifice is he?'' Mysta asked, anger building in his throat.

''No, that's not what I meant, Mysta,'' Luca groaned a little. Mysta shook his head.

''Mysta,'' Shu whispered in Mysta's ear. Mysta shot up a little, then Shu blew some powder into Mysta's face. Mysta blinked and fell asleep. Shu caught Mysta before he hit the floor. Shu sighed and placed Mysta on the bed. 

Shu grabbed Luca's shirt, and chucked his shirt at him.

''Get dressed, we need to get going, the spell only lasts for 24 hours,'' Shu warned Luca, as he grabbed his bag. Luca nodded taking the shirt and putting it on. Shu took in a deep breath, and crushed something else up. 

''Kay, I'm ready--'' Luca was about to say but Shu blew powder in his face. Luca coughed waving the smoke away.

''Shu what the hell?'' Luca struggled to say. 

''It's a cloaking spell, you'll be seen as just a soul walking into the spirit realm, so the spirits don't try to hurt you,'' Shu explained, to Luca opening the hotel door. ''さあ、ルカ!'' Shu told Luca.

(Tran: Come on, Luca!)

Luca got his hilt and gun and ran after Shu.

Ike woke up on the futon he was placed in. Ike wanted to lift his body up but someone's hand was on his chest. Ike was startled about who he saw. It was a tall, muscular, male, with blackish blue, back length hair. His eyes were white, and had a small black tattoo on the right side of his face. 

His collarbone was in bandages. His pants half he wore of an keikogi, and had bright blue armor on his hips. He wore getas, and had a spear to his side. His the tips of his fingers were black, and had gold bracelet on his left wrist.

Ike shook a little. 

''リラックスしてください、アイク、私はあなたに危害を加えるためにここにいるわけではありません。'' The male said, his voice was very deep.

(Tran: Relax, Ike, I am not here to inflict any harm on you.)

Ike said nothing, and the male leaned over Ike. 

''彼女はあなたにとてもひどい危害を加えました、あの売春婦。'' The male person cursed underneath their breath.

(Tran: She did harm you very horribly, that harlot.)

''Wh-o ar-e yo-u,'' Ike stuttered afraid. The male got on top of him, and hovered over Ike. Ike can see the male a lot better because since he was near sighted. The male was a sight to behold. 

''私は河野、中島河野です、あなたを癒してくれました。'' Kono whispered kindly. Ike was still but had blush on his cheeks.

(Tran: My name is Kono, Nakashima Kono, and I was the one you healed you.)

''恥ずかしがる必要はありません、小さな子、私はあなたを助け、必要なときにあなたを助けるためにここにいます。'' Kono pressed his head to Ike. Then, he dissipated into blue sakura looking flowers.

 (Tran: No need to be shy, little one, I'm here to aid you and help you when I am needed.)

Ike sat up, then someone opened the shoji. Ike jumped a little and saw a blurry black and red figure walk to him then, placed glasses on his face.

''That better?'' Vox asked in English. Ike pushed up his glasses and smiled.

''Yes, thank you,'' Ike chuckled a little. Vox smiled and leaned in. Ike blocked his Vox's mouth then laughed.

''Just because you brought me back, and got my glasses does not mean: special treatment,'' Ike smirked a little. Vox smiled, and brought his mouth away from Ike's hand. 

''Alright, I'll go make you some tea, the Weaver's out,'' Vox said, getting back up. Ike bowed a little.

''どうもありがとう、ヴォックス,'' Ike said, with a warm smile. Vox flushed a little at that and then said. 

''どういたしまして、小さな光さん。'' Vox slid open the shoji, then walked out.

(Tran: Ike: Thank you very much, Vox/ Vox: You're welcome, little light.)


A Sacrifice | Ike x VoxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang