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Vox pushed by some broken branches, leaned down a little so he didn't hit his head. The little friends searched up ahead, and squealed when they found what they were looking for.

Vox raised up and sighed. 

He saw a tori, very overgrown with flower vines, and with a rock path. Beside it was large Yorishiros trees. Vox sniffed and whispered to Ike.

''Just a little longer, 私の愛しい人,'' Vox spoke English to the novelist. Vox walked down to the archway. The little fluffy friends hovered over him to make sure Ike is fine. 

Vox walked in front of the archway and looked up at it. The tori had three eyes on the stop, and they all were staring at him.

''私には憎しみによって殺された魂があります。'' Vox informed the eyes.

(Tran: I have a soul that was killed, out of hatred.)

''あなたが真実を話しているとどうやってわかりますか?'' A overlapped voice asked.

(Tran: How do we know, you speak the truth?)

Vox gently placed the corpse of the novelist down, and slipped out his soul. His soul was bright, with a blue tint still. Then pulled off the cloth from the novelist, and exposed his body.

Ike's eyes were closed, his neck exposed the blood was all dried and gone, his ribs opened some cracks, his arm with a clear and jagged cut. The eyes widened.

''彼は犠牲として利用されましたが、「あるもの」は死を通しても彼を軽視しました。'' Vox's eyes darkened, whilst he looked at the limp body of the young male. 

Vox covered Ike's body again, and looked up at the eyes.

(Tran: He was used for sacrifice, but 'a thing' disrespected him even through death.)

''あと 1 問だけ合格しても構いません。'' The eyes asked. Vox lifted Ike's body and looked up toward.

(Tran: You may pass but one more question.)

''その犠牲が功を奏したのか、それとも功を奏さなかったのか。'' The eyes asked honestly.

(Tran: Did the sacrifice work, or not?)

''いいえ,'' Vox said bluntly, that the eyes flinched.

(Tran: No)

''それは無残に失敗したが、私を取り戻した唯一のことは、儀式の呪文で私の休息場所を妨害したことだった。'' Vox lowered his head a little, and laughed dryly.

(Tran: It failed miserably, the only thing that brought me back, was the disturbance of my rest site with ritual incantation.)

The eyes understood, and opened the gateway to the spirit realm. Vox bowed to thank them and walked through the archway.  

As he walked through he felt a way of cold air, and emotion. Vox took in a deep breath and started to walk through the Forest of Crying souls.

Crying came from every side, some in pain, some in loneliness. The little fluff friends hide behind Vox's neck under his hair, they were both shaking in fear.

Vox had a straight face, walking through the forest like he was deaf to the sound. But, it deeply reminded him of his once powerful army, all cut down but one blade.

Vox gritted his teeth. A young boy riding on a cart holding the reins of an Wagyu bull. 

'' 乗車が必要ですか?'' The boy asked, tilting up his straw hat.

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