Syberian versus Rabbit

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Phai POV :

Sky - I think I know the reason why you are getting those dreams phi.

Phai - What does Sky mean? How can you know why I am getting those dreams?

Sky - Because I hid the truth from you Phi.

Phai - Sky, tell me what you are hiding? And what truth are you talking about?

Sky - I am sorry P'Phai, whatever I am going to say will hurt you. But I don't think I can hide it from you anymore. I wanted to tell you everything the same day we broke our engagement. But I couldn't tell you anything because you left the country.

Phai (Inner voice) - I didn't leave the country Sky, I was made to leave it.

Phai - I am listening.

Sky - Do you remember the day you came to the Pentagon, I was sick?

Phai - Uhummm... I remember you were nauseous and took normal medicine.

Sky - it was not normal vomitings. I was pregnant with our pup at that time.

Phai( Inner voice) - Were we really pregnant? How could my Alpha couldn't sense it?

Phai - What are you saying Sky? How can you become pregnant? We didn't even knotted. And we used safety.

Sky - The doctor said that it was a rare case. Your family has dominating Alpha blood. And I am a dominating Omega as well. As it was our first time and we didn't mark eachother yet, the chances were very less. But I think God wanted to give that 1% of chance to us. But he changed his decision so quick.

Phai - What do you mean by that Sky?

Sky started telling everything from the day I and he broke up. I listened to him very carefully. I don't know that he had to go through all that alone. I made him go through all of that. It's all because of me. I made my Sky hurt.

Phai (Inner voice) - If we were pregnant, Sky would have given birth to the child and the child would be two years atleast. But I didn't see Sky near any child or kid.

Phai - what about the baby?

Sky - Doctor said that during the accident I was hit by something strong on stomach because of which I....I lost our Pup....

Phai pulled Sky into his embrace and started rubbing his hands around his back.

Phai ( Inner voice) - He came out because of me? If he didn't try to come to me. Maybe our pup would be alive? Sky isn't the reason for our pup's death it was me. I was the reason behind everything. No no I can't break down now. Sky... Sky... I need to take care of him. I need to protect him.. I couldn't protect our baby...

Sky - I killed him P'Phai... I killed our pup.... I am sorry P'Phai..... I am sorry......

Phai cupped Sky's face in his hands and placed his forehead on Sky's forehead.

Phai - No baby... You didn't kill anyone... You didn't do anything wrong Sky.... You didn't kill him..... It was just an accident. No one wanted that to happen....

Sky - No Phi... If I didn't come out like that... If I took proper care... Maybe...maybe our pup might be alive today Phi... I killed him.... I killed him myself.....

Phai - No no no.... No my baby....It's not your fault.... It is no one's fault... Sky... You did very well... You did the right thing by trying to reach out to me...

Sky started blaming himself again and again. Phai couldn't control Sky. Phai took an extreme step.

Phai shook Sky but he didn't stop.

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