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Jaide pov

I was pulling my other shoe on when my brother, Casey, walked past my room

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I was pulling my other shoe on when my brother, Casey, walked past my room. He backtracked, leaning into the room.

"Where you going dressed up?" He queries.

Standing up, straightening my skater skirt "out," i reply, going to my jewellery mirror to grab earrings and a necklace.

"Out where?" He asks, hint of protectiveness coming into his voice.

"A party, and don't give me crap. Brax said I could, " I reply, turning to glare at him.

"Not knowing you were gonna wear that," He retorts. Rolling her eyes, She grabs a jacket to put on.

"Better?" I ask sarcastically.

He just glares at her. "Where is this party anyway?" He asks, changing the subject.

"Does it matter?" Is the response.

Casey crosses his arms as he blocks me from leaving. "Yes," he nods. "The only party I know of is the uni party being thrown in the city. You know Brax doesn't like you going to the city alone. "

A guilty grin comes over my face as I shrug. He shakes his head "Nope not happening." He states firmly.

"Casey, move it. Brax said I could go, " I growl.

"He doesn't know where it is, does he?" he summarises. I shake my head.

Shoving Casey out of the way, i heads for the door. I'm not getting far when a hand grabs my wrist. I go to yank it free, but find myself freezing at the voice of my other brother, Heath.

"Where you going, Jay?" He asks me.

"A party, Brax said I could," I growl out. Sending Casey a look that promised pain. Yanking my wrist free, I turn and glare at my second oldest brother.

"OK. Was just asking. Have fun, " he says, holding his hands up in peace.

Grinning a lean up pecking a kiss to his cheek and leaving the house.

I'm heading to the bus stop. I look at the time seeing the next bus to Elanora Heights. Less than 5 minutes.

Keeping my ears open for my brothers car, I anxiously wait for the bus that had my friend Aiden on it. She was the one that got us invites to this party.

Soon enough, the bus pulls up, but at the same time, I hear my brothers car. Hoping up into the bus, I find Aiden "duck," I tell her.

We duck down until the bus leaves. Around 45 minutes later, we arrive in Elanora Heights. Following the directions from her friend we find the place. Big 3 story mansion type place. Freezing in place, I spot my brother Ute.

"Aiden, the boys are here," I whisper. She freezes as well. We glance at each other in worry when we see my eldest brother coming towards.

"Jaide, get your ass here. You too, Aiden!" He growls.

We slump and head to the car. "Get inside," he growls.

We climbed into the car, and I was stuck squished in the middle between my seething brother and worried best friend.

"Does Alex know you here, Aiden?" He asks, starting the car to head home.

She nods. "Kind of, knows we were going to a party," she mumbles.

He nods once.

We drive the 30 minutes back home in silence. Going to Aiden's house, we drop her off. "Tell Alex to expect a call," Brax tells her. She nods, walking quickly into her house.

Once we get home, he drags me inside, telling our brothers to take a walk. "Snitch," I growl out at Casey as he and Heath leave. I go to say something else but decide to keep my mouth shut when Brax shoots me a look.

Rolling my eyes, I head into my room, taking my jacket and jewellery off. Sitting on my bed, I take my heels off, flinging them into my wardrobe.

My brother comes into the doorway leaning against the doorframe. "Wanna tell me what you were thinking exactly not only going into the city but to a uni party?" He asks.

I rolled my eyes, glaring at him. He raises an eyebrow, waiting for my answer. "I just wanted to have fun before school," I answered.

"Jay, you gotta talk to me. If you had said it was a college part, I probably would've let you go if Case went too, " he tells me.

"I don't need a babysitter," I mutter, pulling my legs onto the bed to wrap my arms around.

Crossing his arms annoyed "well apparently you do if you're gonna lie to me. And what about Aiden? You dragged her into it too, " he lectures.

"It was actually her idea," I tell him.

He laughs. "Then why not tell me the truth?"

"Because I actually wanted to go! And have fun, and be a kid without the boys following me every" I whisper the last part.

He sighs "look ill tell the boys to lay off, but you're still grounded for two 2weeks. No car, no phone except for school, " he tells me. I take my phone out of my bra and hand it to him.

Nose scrunching in disgust "does it look like the skirt has pockets," I ask rhetorically with an eyeroll.

He takes it and heading off, shutting my door. I change into my pjs and eventually come out when I hear my other 2 brothers get home.

Casey was in for it. I come out and sit next to him, leaning against the side of the couch legs resting on him. He eyes me warily.

Even though I was the youngest and only girl, I was as tough and stubborn as my 4 older brothers.

Whatever takeaway my brothers ordered turned up 5 minutes later. Getting up to get myself food, kicking my foot out, making it look like an accident, I dig my heal into Casey's stomach.

Grunting in pain, Casey looks like he's gonna be sick, and Heath looks amused.

Brax is glaring at me as I get my food. "Leave him be." I ignore him. Walking past Casey, I flick his ear. "Asshole" I hiss.

He whips his head around to glare at me and say something. "Enough. Jay bedroom now" Brax orders.

I storm off to my room. Sitting at the desk to eat my food, I pull out the drawer and grab out the spare phone I have.

Heath had gotten it for me ages ago, I texted Aiden a message. It takes her a while to get back, but she does. She's shocked that Casey snitched on us.

A knock on my door startles me as I shove the phone into my pants pocket, hoping it's on silent.

"Yes?" I call.

Casey comes in. I glare at him. "What do you want?" I ask with a scowl.

"Just checking in you." He chucks something to me. It's another phone. "I know about Jackson. He has the number. Don't let the others know"

I roll my eyes "thanks" he nods, leaving shutting the door.

Taking my plate out and putting it in the dishwasher, I bid my brothers goodnight.

"Hold it" this time its Heath "the spare phone I got you. Pass it. " Growling, I slap it into his hand and storm off to bed pissed.

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