Chapter Thirty Seven 🦋

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Val's POV:

We finally met up with Sasha and Abraham, them joining us as we continued to lead the herd away. I could hear the snarls. It was all I could mainly hear. Even the rumbling of Daryl's motorcycle couldn't drown it out enough for me. I couldn't lie. I was nervous. Worried that I had made the wrong choice. I just had an inkling feeling. A sinking one, that something was going to go wrong. I could feel it. It was a gut instinct. The only thing I could hope for was that this gut feeling was wrong. But when is it ever wrong?

There's just been too many that I've had that has been proven so far. I just wanted this one to be wrong. Just this once. Be wrong.


Here we are sat in a house, having the biggest meeting we could have only a day after the fallout. Rick and Morgan discovered the exact reason why there been very rare run ins with walkers. There was quarry, where probably tens of thousands of walkers probably even more than that all circled around, only being blocked off by trucks. I sat down in the armchair, with Daryl not too far from me. Something that became a pattern for me was how much I rubbed my ever growing bump, I could feel the different kicks. There was two different movements, and it just confirmed my thoughts that I may be having twins. I came out of thoughts, concentrating on what everybody was saying. "my team... we saw it early on, back when we were on one of those first scouts, finding out what was around here." Heath said, the black man that I come to find out was dating Ellie.

"there was a camp at the bottom. The people, they must have blocked the exits with one of those trucks back when everything started to go bad."

"they didn't make it. they were all roamers."

"Maybe a dozen of them."

"no one's been back since?" Maggie questioned. I was just thinking that exact thing. Heath shook his head. "DC, every town worth scavenging are all in the other direction."

"and I never really felt like having a picnic next to the camp that ate itself."

"So all the while the walkers have been drawn in by the sound." Michonne began.

"The more sound, the more they draw in." I continued.

"And here we are." Rick remarked.

"now what I'm proposing, I know it sounds risky, but walkers are already slipping through the exits. One of the trucks keeping the walkers in could go off the edge any day now."

"maybe after one more hard rain. That exit sends them east. All of them."

"right towards us." I muttered, though it was loud enough that I could still be heard. "this isn't about if it gives, it's when." Rick continued on.

"its gonna happen."

"that's why we have to do this soon."

"this is... I don't even have another word for it. This is terrifying. All of it. But it doesn't sound like there's any other way." Carol stated, really trying portray herself as weak. Something that really started to bother me. I roll my eyes every time she speaks in front of everybody. If only these people knew about the amount of shit this woman has done. For one I bet that would be happy to know to burned two sick people alive because she thought it would stop the sickness that spread across the prison. And the fact that had only happened a little over a month ago now. "Because there's not." I huffed, starting to become irritated from a little discomfort I was feeling right at the moment.

"maybe there is." Carter suggested.

"I mean, couldn't we just build up the weak spots? I could draw up plans. I worked on the wall with Reg."

"construction crew... we can try and make it safe."

"even if we could, the sound of those walkers is drawing more and more every day. Building up the exits won't change." Rick explained.

"we're gonna do what Rick says." Deanna stated, finally saying something. "The plan he's laid out."

"I told you all, we're gonna have Daryl leading them away."

"Me, too. I'll take a car and be next to him. Can't just be him." Sasha said, volunteering.

"it won't be. I'll go too." I stated.

"No, absolutely not." Daryl scolded.

"Daryl's right. You're not going Val. Your pregnant." Rick stated, agreeing with Daryl. "I've been out there pregnant and alone before, I can handle myself. More than what either of you think. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean imp weak." I scoffed, standing up from my seat immediately. I know their worried, and their hearts are in the right place. But I just need to do this. I have to. "Sunshine yer no-" Daryl began to fight.

"no, enough!" I scolded, walking out the door. "this conversation isn't over." I seethed, before I marched away.


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