Chapter Thirteen 🦋

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 Rick's POV:

I decided to take a few of us out on a supply run, bringing Gabriel with me, as I didn't feel safe with the idea of him being around Val, Carl, and Judith. I knew Val could look after herself but now I knew she was pregnant with Daryl's child, I wanted to make sure she was safe at all costs, considering Daryl was coming along with us. I walked over to Carl, knowing I needed to clear some things with him. "Listen, I don't trust this guy." I began.

"Why?" Carl immediately questioned.

"Why do you trust him?" I asked.

"Everybody can't be bad."

"Well... I don't trust this guy. And that's why I'm bringing him with me. But he could have friends. So I need you to stay alert and help Tyreese protect Judith and your Aunt Val, okay?" He nodded his understanding what I have told him so far. "Now... I need you to hear what I'm about to say."


"You are not safe. No matter how many people are around or how clear the area looks, no matter what anyone says, no matter what you think, You are not safe. It only takes one second. One second and it's over. Never let your guard down, ever."

"I want you to promise me."

"I promise."



Val's POV:

The church was cleared, but the Rick and some others decided to make a supply run. Specifically to the one place that had been left untouched, since Gabriel had been too afraid to attempt it, claiming that the place is overrun. Daryl went off with Carol to fill up bottles with water. And lemme tell you I couldn't wait to have a drink of it. The more I had been vomiting even with how little it was that came up, the thirster I became. I was constantly hungry, it felt like I was needing to eat for more than two. My hunger was triple than what it used to have been.

"Aunt Val, are you okay?" Carl questioned noticing me daydreaming.

"Hey bud, I'm okay. Just hungry is all but who isn't." I chuckled.

"But I know you didn't come over to see how I am, what's wrong Carl?"

"It's just I don't want to lose you like mom." He muttered.

"Hey now, I'm not going anywhere. Okay? I know why your worried, you have every right to be, but it doesn't mean what happened to your mom, will happened to me. Understand?" He just nodded his head. After Lori, everybody worried about the risks. I hoped it wasn't going to happen to me when it was time for little bub to come into this cruel world.


Daryl brought over a plate full of food, enough that the entire plate had been covered. There wasn't an inch that didn't have food on it. "Ye hungry?" I nodded, even though I wasn't sure it was all going to stay down by the time morning came. He handed me the plate and I thanked him over and over. I couldn't ask for anything more in this world. Abraham began to say this big speech. Asking if this is how we want to continue to live. Trying to stay alive to we ultimately just die. "Is this the world that you want to raise your baby in?" he questioned, looking straight at me. I didn't say or do anything in response. I had already accepted the way the world was now, I knew what life was going to look like for this baby. Did I want that, of course not. But I didn't think I would ever be pregnant, despite the way the world is.

Judith cooed in response of Abraham, so Rick took that as her saying to do it even if it was just her babbling. So that was it, I guess the new plan was to head to Washington. The "mission" as Abraham would say is to get Eugene there to "reset the world" I didn't believe that Eugene could even make it happen. If you ask me he's pulling some bullshit so someone who is more capable of surviving in this new world would take care of him, keep him alive. I'm not saying that Eugene wasn't smart, but I sure as hell am saying he can't change the state of this world.


I noticed Daryl being off. He wasn't exactly being himself. Not the Daryl I knew back at the prison. The Daryl I've known since back at camp in Atlanta. Something was on his mind, and he wasn't speaking to me about it. I knew it was probably about Beth. I knew I already brought it up to him, but he still wasn't talking a whole lot. Less than normal. He began to walk out the doors, so I followed after him. "Don't follow me." He huffed.

"and why not?" I questioned annoyed.

"Cause I need ye safe."

"Too bad." I scoffed, storming straight up beside him. "I'm not kiddin' Val. Go back inside." He instructed.


"I'm not askin' ye."

"I don't care. I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me." He looked at me with a blank look on his face, like I was being dramatic. "Since you find out that I was pregnant, you've barely said one fucking word to me. So I'm not doing anything you want me to until that happens Daryl Dixon." I scolded. He huffed and pushed passed me, his attention clearly being on something else that was going on.

Was I being selfish? I don't know anymore. I should have just listened to him the first time, seeing as he clearly wanted nothing to do with me right now.


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