Chapter Twenty Eight 🦋

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Daryl's POV:

I laid there awake, as I let her sleep in my arms. We didn't really talk last night once we left Aaron's place. I wasn't sure on how to tell her I accepted the recruiting job that Aaron offered me. I was worried that she would be pissed off when she found out. I was even more surprised last night when she didn't ask me a single question about the talk I had with Aaron.

I watched her as she slept, although it sounded creepy, but I felt more at ease when I saw her sleeping peacefully. She always looked so beautiful whether she was awake or asleep. She makes me feel like I could conquer anything in this world with her by my side and if I was to ever lose her, that would be the end for me.

I noticed her stir, enough that she woke herself up. Looking up at me with her bright blue eyes. "Morning beautiful." I muttered with a smile. That gorgeous smile of hers crept onto her face. "Morning handsome." She mumbled back, sleepily.

It went quiet for a moment, I knew this was her way of just soaking up the moment, letting her thoughts sort themselves out. "So are we going to talk about last night?" Val questioned me groggily. I nodded my head lightly, thinking all the ways I could tell her. "Aaron asked me to be the other recruiter, said he didn't want Eric doing it anymore."

"Oh, so I'm guessing you're not going to be around much huh?"


"You did say yes right? So you're not going to be around as much now huh?"

"Yeah I said yes sunshine, is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay Dare. I mean I can't lie I won't love it but you're not someone who likes to be behind the walls. Just like back at the prison."

"We'll be okay, and as long as you're back by the time this baby comes then we'll definitely be okay." I chuckled at her added comment. That was something I was definitely worried about. I wanted to be there when the baby arrived, standing by Val's side through it all. "While you're out maybe you could get find some clothes that might actually fit me, if you can of course."

"Of course sunshine,"


Val's POV:

Daryl was heading out today, his first run as one of the recruiters for Alexandria. He spent the day before putting the bike Aaron had together, spending this morning fine tuning it. Still needed work but it ran and that's what he needed. I got dressed for the day, throwing on whatever fit along my oversize teddy jumper.

I walked out the house, heading straight for the gate as I could hear Daryl's bike rumbling, meaning they were getting ready to leave. I made it there just before the gate was opened. "Hey you can't leave just yet," I huffed, as I waddled my way over to Daryl. "Oh shit, sorry sunshine."

"Hey! She can hear you from in there," I scolded jokingly, rubbing my ever growing bump. "She?" Daryl questioned with his eyebrow raised at me. "Still could be a boy, but I'm giving into you." I giggled. I leaned in planting a kiss on his cheek like I used to do whenever he went off on runs back the prison. "Be safe, okay?"

"Always am sunshine." Daryl replied with a smirk, reviving his motorcycle before taking off out the gate, followed by Aaron in the car.


I spent this time alone doing daily walks around, pushing Judith along in the stroller. I happened to be one of the only ones that didn't have a job yet, and I wondered if that was because I was pregnant but who knows, I was probably just overthinking it.

I walked around talking to just about everybody, until I came across the house Vanessa stayed in. Watching the door open, seeing a male figure walk out followed by Vanessa after. "Oh hey valley, I didn't know you were out there." Vanessa greeted.

"Hey Nessa, I was just walking around and heard your door. Who's that?" I directed it at the man that stood beside my best friend. "Holy shit, Valentina Grimes. Can't believe you don't recognise me." The man spoke, I recognised the voice, but I still couldn't pinpoint who it was. "C'mon, it's me, god do I really have to say it for you to remember?" I stayed quiet trying to put the pieces together.

"You know, do ya do ya gotta a a pen" With that I instantly realised who it was. "Oh shit Levi Robinson. Oh my god I am so sorry, just you look so different now."

"It's alright Val. When Ness told me you were around I had hoped I would have seen you at the party."

"Yeah Valley, what happened? I haven't even met your new man yet." Vanessa added, laughing.

"Oh I'm sorry about that, Daryl and I ended up deciding not to go. I didn't want to force him to be somewhere he didn't want to, and he felt same with me." I explained. I heard Judith beginning to stir, I took that as the sign that she was either getting hungry or it was nearing her nap time. "Look I'm sorry, I'd love to catch up but I got to get this one back to the house. But if you guys want to come by you can. I'm not doing anything or will be until Daryl is back which who knows how long that will be."

"Alright Valley, well we'll have to take you up on that. See you around."


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