Chapter Thirty Three 🦋

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Val's POV:

Maggie excused herself from the meeting, I guess she felt like she wasn't going to get anywhere with Deanna. I mean none of us were. It was already clear this whole meeting was useless, Deanna was already set in her decision. Nothing we had to say, meant a thing. It was completely obvious to us all. The man named Tobin stood up and began to speak. I don't even know if anything we said got through to anybody. "I just want to keep my family safe. You know? And I don't even know what the means anymore, but if it means that we've got to get rid of-" Tobin stated, trailing off when we footsteps approaching.

I look to see who it had been, and there was Rick carrying a body over his shoulder. Throwing it down in front of us all. A dead walker. I thought walkers couldn't get within the walls. So unless Rick went on a killing spree outside the walls then it must've gotten in. but how?

"There wasn't a guard on the gate. It was open." Rick huffed. He was breathing heavily, it was clear to me that it wasn't just the one. "I asked Gabriel to close it." Spencer explained, panickily. Of course it was Gabriel. It's always Gabriel. Lost the damn church because of him. "Go." Deanna demanded, bluntly.

"I didn't bring it in. it got inside on its own. They always will- the dead and the living, because we're in here." Rick explained. I just watched him with sad eyes. My only brother. Everything he was saying was the truth. We've gone through it ourselves, only months ago. "And the ones out there... they'll hunt us. They'll find us. They'll try to use us. They'll try to kill us."

"but we'll kill them. We'll survive. I'll show you how."

"you know, I was thinking-"

"I was thinking, how many of you do I have to kill to save your lives?"

"But I'm not gonna do that. You're gonna change."

"I'm not sorry for what I said last night. I'm sorry for not saying it sooner."

"you're not ready, but you have to be. Right now you have to be. Luck runs out." The moment Rick stopped talking, we all heard the approaching footsteps that became closer with every step. "You're not one of us. You're not one of us!" Pete exclaimed, furious. This was going to be a shit show.

The moment Pete came into the light, I noticed the shine that reflected from his hand and I knew I recognised it. Michonne's sword. 'shit.' I mumbled under my breath. "Rick." I whispered, becoming panicked, though I tried to hide it the best I could. I only wished Daryl was here right now. "Pete, you don't want to do this." Poor Reg said, hoping it'd stop Pete. Which of course it didn't. it's never that simple. "get the hell away from me, Reg."

"Pete, just stop." Reg begged, staying in Pete's way. "Get away from me."

"Reg. Reg." I heard Deanna say, trying to get her husband's attention. I turned away for a second, soon hearing screams come from everybody, Deanna especially. The moment I turned back I saw Reg, with his throat slit, Pete clearly covered in his blood. "Oh god." I muttered, throwing one hand to my mouth and the other on my bump, rubbing it as if to protect my unborn baby. "No, no! Oh, no, no!"

"Rick, do something." I mumbled under my breath as I stood beside him. I could see the anger now radiating off of my brother. I felt someone pull me back, noticing it had been Vanessa almost immediately. She hold onto me protectively, as Levi stood only a little bit ahead of us, guarding us.

I saw Abraham holding Pete on the ground, restraining him. "This is him!" I heard him repeat over and over. Deanna sat on the ground with her husband who was dying, sobbing as she heard her partner gargle for air. My heart sank. I watched Deanna face my brother, tears streaming down her face. "Rick... do it." I hear her instruct. I knew what she meant. I notice Rick nod his head, then doing what Deanna wanted.

In one swift motion he turned and shot Pete in the head.

"Rick?" I heard an unfamiliar voice question, seeing a man by the fencing along with Aaron and Daryl. "Daryl!" I cried, pulling away from Vanessa and immediately sprinted into Daryl's arms. His hold was all I really wanted right now.


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